None Of Them Above Me by Alek Staff

Paintings by Alek Staff For Sale

  • Title: None Of Them Above Me

  • Artist: Alek Staff

  • Category: Paintings

  • Medium: Oils On Canvas, Varnished

  • Size (inches): 20x20

  • Year: 2020

  • Framed?: On Request

  • Shipping from: Netherlands

Price: $800

Artwork description

I strongly believe that during our lifetime, we could be born again more than once. Every call to wake up is another chance to change everything that holds us down. I heard the voice many times and it took some time for me to learn how to recognize the moments when I was speaking. Listening is the most important ability. Nowadays I can respond – None Of Them Above Me.

In addition to the original painting, I am sending prints with the signed certificate and a friendly note from me.


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