Silent Breath by Alexandria Volk

Paintings by Alexandria Volk For Sale

  • Title: Silent Breath

  • Artist: Alexandria Volk

  • Category: Paintings

  • Medium: Acrylic paint on cotton with neon additives

  • Size (inches): 14x36

  • Year: 2024

  • Framed?: Unframed

  • Shipping from: United States

Price: $500.00

Artwork description

In the midst of chaos and noise, remember the beauty of your own silent breath. You are a symbol of resilience and adaptability, a testament to the strength of nature in the face of adversity.

So continue to breathe, continue to survive, and know that your presence is not just a nuisance, but a vital part of the intricate tapestry of life.

“Silent Breath” is my interpretation of city life and over population and it’s affects on local wildlife. Many animals have now found their very survival depends entirely on human cities, the same cities that took their own homes away.


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