Art for sale tagged as 'oil'
I’m a princess and you are not
Paintings, Oil and acrylic with markers on stretched canvas, 11,8 x 11,8 inches (30 x 30 cm), 2024Björn Rekow
Germany For Sale:
$125 USD
Cancer for a pond
Paintings, Oil on stretched canvas , 11,8 x 9,8 inches (30 x 25 cm), 2024Björn Rekow
Germany For Sale:
$100 USD
Paintings, Oil and Acrylic , 18x24, 2025Corpse Market
United States For Sale:
$600 USD
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 19.6x 27.5Maria Georgieva
Bulgaria For Sale:
$700 USD
PaintingsEdith Chansigaud
United Kingdom For Sale:
$285.00 USD
Liberami dal male
Paintings, oil paint, 100x90, 2023Ivan D\'Alò
Italy For Sale:
$1900 USD
Paintings, oil on canvas, 16x20Namida
France For Sale:
$800 USD
The Red Horse
Paintings, oil, cold wax, marbled silver, powdered lead glass on watercolour paper on masonite board, 16x20, 2024Nico
United States For Sale:
$1000 USD
stitched couple
Paintings, oil, gold leaf, and charcoal on two canvases stitched together, 48" x 48", 2006Emily Bowers
United States For Sale:
Price on request
David and Diane
Paintings, oil and tile grout on canvas, 48" x 60", 2005Emily Bowers
United States For Sale:
Price on request
Paintings, oil on canvas, 48" x 60", 2009Emily Bowers
United States For Sale:
Price on request
Paintings, oil and tile grout on canvas, 48" x 60", 2005Emily Bowers
United States For Sale:
Price on request
Green man
Paintings, oil on canvas, 30" x 24", 2004Emily Bowers
United States For Sale:
Price on request
Two boys
Paintings, oil on canvas, 48" x 60", 2010Emily Bowers
United States For Sale:
Price on request
A dance on the piano
PaintingsAtt CoWatch
Hungary For Sale:
$3100 USD
PaintingsAtt CoWatch
Hungary For Sale:
$2900 USD
PaintingsAtt CoWatch
Hungary For Sale:
$3800 USD