Anders Andersson

18 Photography by Anders Andersson for sale

Post Apocalypse VII
Photography, Fine art print from wet plate collodion original, 20x24 appx, 2024, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$200 USD
Post Apocalypse VI
Photography, Fine art print from wet plate collodion original, 20x24 appx, 2024, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$200 USD
Post Apocalypse V
Photography, Fine art print from wet plate collodion original, 20x24 appx, 2024, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$200 USD
Post Apocalypse IV
Photography, Fine art print from wet plate collodion original, 20x24 appx, 2024, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$200 USD
Post Apocalypse III
Photography, Fine art print from wet plate collodion original, 20x24 appx, 2024, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$200 USD
Post Apocalypse II
Photography, Fine art print from wet plate collodion original, 20x24 appx, 2024, 5
Anders Andersson
$200 USD
Post Apocalypse 1
Photography, Fine art print from wet plate collodion original, 20x24 appx, 2024, 5
Anders Andersson
$200 USD
AIIRL/2024-1851 (diptych)
Photography, wet plate collodion/ai, 8x6 each, 2024, 3
Anders Andersson
$1000 USD
Den svarta damen (the black lady)
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD
The mistress of the lake
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD
Skånska björnens riddare II
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD
Skånska björnens riddare I
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD
The man in the marsh
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD
Wastelandpirates I
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD
Wastelandpirates II
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD
Zombie eyes
Photography, wet plate collodion/fine art print, 25, 2023, 5+original tintype
Anders Andersson
$300 USD

Anders Andersson Biography

Sweden, born 1973

Freelance photographer/journalist who fell in love with wet plate collodion in 2022. I´ve always been drawn to the ambivalent and dark side of art.The sort of work that doesn´t answer questions but raises new ones. In the 170 year old collodion universe I´ve found a way to express those things myself. Hope you like it!

Anders Andersson

Anders Andersson exhibitions, studies, awards...

2019: Gesällbrev Hantverkarnas Riksorganisation (Apprentice diploma)
2007- : Freelance photographer & journalist
2001-2007: Staff photographer Hallandsposten
1999-2001: Reporter Hallandsposten
1997-1999: Ädelfors folkhögskola, journalist education

SFF:s auktorisationskurs i digital bild. (Authorized in digital photography by Swedish Association of Professional Photographers)


2024: Solo exhibition, Kafé Längan, Varbergs fästning.
2024: Participant Photo Mecca, The Photo Gallery, Halmstad.
2023:Winner Hallands fotosalong
2023 Gold Winner in Technique Wet Collodion Analog sparks
2020: Banditto Art Residency Prize: Winner.
2020: Highly commended, Memorial Maria Luisa Photo Contest
2019: Winner "Hobby & Leisure" category, Cewe Photo Award, Vienna
2019: Finalist x 2, Siena Drone Awards
2019: Group exhibition Halmstad Art, Tylebäck conference center.
2018: Photography now, group exhibition Brick Lane Gallery, London.
2017: Finalist Los Angeles Drone Film Festival
2016: Finalist Sohu drone photography contest, China
2016: Finalist Siena International Photo Awards
2016: 1:st place Prix de la photographie Paris
2015: 1:st and 3:rd place, Sohu Drone photography contest, China.
2015: 3:rd place best drone images of the year, Dronestagr:am
2014: Portrait of the year, Socionomen magazine.
2011: 1:st place Getty images Real Scandinavia
2011: Nominated to Image of the year. Swedish union press awards.
2010: Accept Hallands jurybedömda vårsalong
2008: International Photo Awards: Award of Excellece
2006: 3:rd place news category, Swedish picture of the year
2004: 3:rd place daily live, Swedish picture of the year

Contact Anders Andersson

Contact form for Anders Andersson :

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Anders Andersson contact details :

Phone : 0046709281183
Email :

Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Anders Andersson, who will respond as soon as possible.

If you want to send a message to Dark Art Movement, please visit the Contact Us page.