Andrej Babenko

5 Paintings by Andrej Babenko for sale

Belgian night
Andrej Babenko
Price on request
Paintings, Oil and spray paint on canvas, 79 x 63, 2015
Andrej Babenko
Price on request

Andrej Babenko Biography

Belgium, born 1974

Andrej Babenko is a Belgian artist of Ukrainian descent. His work is known for its tangible plasticity and expression.
Based on his natural, turbulent creative talent, Babenko departs from reality and focuses on the existential and mythological. His paintings briefly mislead the viewer. They are complex and require time and attention to discern the different layers and perspectives.Through his work, Babenko shows today what is important tomorrow.
Babenko's style covers a wide range: from pop art, comics, neo-expressionism and graffiti on canvas to classical paintings and drawings. In their diversity, these styles form one whole in his work, just like the world and life itself. Thanks to his migration background, Babenko manages to bring together extremes with great grace: the folkloric of his Ukrainian background and the conceptual of Belgium.
In his artistic laboratory, Babenko experiments and innovates with open questions about human existence. The reflection of the human soul in his works is incomparable.
He wonders why history keeps repeating itself, how he ended up as an artist in a third world war, how people survive in the rat race and the hectic economic reality of our society and how peace and privacy managed to have become luxury goods. At the same time, he uses light as a magical metaphor for the future, for a better world without wars, epidemics and global warming. Andridiada is a better planet!

Andrej Babenko

Andrej Babenko exhibitions, studies, awards...

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