Arturo Esparza

5 Paintings by Arturo Esparza for sale

Paintings, Oil on canvas, 47.2 x 39.4, 2019
Arturo Esparza
$6400 USD
Dora Elia
Paintings, Oil on canvas / board (framed), 22.4 x 21.7, 2013
Arturo Esparza
Mexico $850 USD
Reencarnarán en un Recuerdo
Paintings, Oil on canvas / board (framed), 19.7 x 19.7, 2014
Arturo Esparza
Mexico $850 USD

Arturo Esparza Biography


Arturo Esparza is a Mexican plastic artist. Esparza reconstructs fragments of her childhood, things that have been consumed by the time, the forgetting, and which tries to rescue from a devastated city. He paints things to reincarnate into a memory, things that were and now are made ​​to not forget them. Things that have died, but not abandoned. He touches on issues of the sacred and the death. Try doing something with his work poetically dark.

Arturo Esparza has an amazing ability to open holes to reality, or to excavate where reality is open. He creates an intimate universe, showing how he enjoys the beauty and it is found in all manifestations of life, even when it ends.

Arturo Esparza

Arturo Esparza exhibitions, studies, awards...

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