Audrey Piguet

10 Photography by Audrey Piguet for sale

Your Island
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, glued on aluminium., 39.37 x 57.09, 2025, 4
Audrey Piguet
$On request USD
Parasomnia #3
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, glued on black base 20mm, acrylic protection on the recto., 27.56 x 19.69, 2019, 5
Audrey Piguet
$1400 USD
Parasomnia #6
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, glued on aluminium 2mm, black frame., 27.56 x 39.37, 2019, 5
Audrey Piguet
$On request USD
Parasomnia #5
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, 15.75 x 11.81, 2019, 10
Audrey Piguet
$380 USD
Parasomnia #5
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, 15.75 x 11.81, 2019, 10
Audrey Piguet
$380 USD
Parasomnia #9
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, 15.75 x 11.81, 2019, 10
Audrey Piguet
$380 USD
Liquids #8, “Life, Death and Beauty. Always Beauty”
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, glued on aluminium 2mm, black frame., 27.56 x 19.69 , 2023, 5
Audrey Piguet
$970 USD
Liquids #7, “Heart of Gold”
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, glued on aluminium 2mm, black frame., 27.56 x 19.69 , 2023, 5
Audrey Piguet
$970 USD
Liquids #3, “Now I have your protection for the end of time”
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, glued on aluminium 2mm, black frame., 27.56 x 19.69 , 2023, 4
Audrey Piguet
$970 USD
Liquids #6, “Cristal tears”
Photography, Digital Photography, Inkjet print on Fine Art paper, glued on aluminium 2mm, black frame., 27.56 x 19.69 , 2023, 5
Audrey Piguet
$970 USD

Audrey Piguet Biography

Switzerland, born 1989

Audrey Piguet is a photographer who graduated with honors in 2012 from the Vevey School of Photography (CEPV). Since founding her own business in 2013, she has navigated between commercial work in the fields of fashion and advertising and her artistic projects. She regularly conducts workshops and training sessions in photography and image analysis, and she also works part-time as an assistant in charge of acquisition management at Photo Elysée.

Her work has been featured in numerous publications and has received several awards, including a selection by MAGNUM Photos. She has had the opportunity to present more than forty solo and group exhibitions in Switzerland, France, Croatia, as well as Spain, Germany, and the United States. Her first monograph, Dark Glow, was published in 2014 by L’Âge d’Homme. Some of her photographs are part of private and public collections, such as those of Photo Elysée (CH), Maison d’Ailleurs (CH), and the Center for Photography in Pennsylvania (USA). Since autumn 2020, she has been a member of the Espace Artistes Femmes association, both as an artist and as a board member and Vice President.

In her photographic work, Audrey constructs meticulously staged scenes that deliberately borrow an aesthetic typically associated with painting. The dualities present in our world, particularly between light and shadow, are at the heart of all her creations: she seeks to sublimate strangeness, turmoil, or wounds in order to offer a new perspective that fosters a sense of peace. By attempting to shift the boundary between reality and imagination, Audrey takes us on a journey into the depths of the unconscious, where multiple layers of interpretation emerge to bring another realm to life.

Audrey Piguet

Audrey Piguet exhibitions, studies, awards...

Public Collections
Photo Elysée, Museum for Photography, CH
Maison d’Ailleurs Museum, CH
SE Center for Photography, USA

Prices / Selections
ND Awards, 2022, USA, Honorable Mention
Circle Foundation of the Arts, 2022, Price of Excellence
SE4P, Memory, 2021, USA, Selection
Magnum Photos, 2020, USA /CH, Selection
NordArt, 2017, DE, Selection
ND Awards, USA, Honorable Mention
PAC, Transformations, 2017, USA, Selection
Int’l Photography Award, 2016, Honorable Mention
Les Photographiques Festival, 2014, FR, Selection
Jeune talent de la photographie, 2012, VFG, CH, 2nd price
I shot it LEICA, USA, 1st price

Exhibitions (selection)
Monographic exhibition "Altérités", Centre Culturel de la Vidondée, Riddes, CH
The Forgotten Mermaid, Espace Artistes Femmes, Lausanne, CH
La chute du héros & Sous le masque - « HÉROS », Galerie LE JORAN / Maison d’Ailleurs, Prévessin-Moëns, FR
Funeral - « Celebrating Women », Garages du Flon / EAF, Lausanne, CH
Funeral installation - «Nous-ici», L-Imprimerie, Lausanne, CH
Parasomnia - «Teixint Vincles», Museu de la Dona, Tossa, ESP
Parasomnia - «Êtres-là», L-Imprimerie, Lausanne, CH
Funeral - «Spirite Médiumnique Visionnaire», Incubateur Gallery, Bulle, CH
Kairos - «25 ans du prix VFG Jeunes talents», IPFO, Haus de Fotografie, Olten, CH
La chute du héros - «Les figures féministes à travers les âges» MaisonVisinand, Montreux, CH
Kairos - «Memory», SE Center for Photography, Greenville, USA
Kairos (proj.) - «Covid-19 and us by Magnum Photos and you» MICR, Genève, CH
Parasomnia - «Women in Art», FATart, Schauffhouse, CH
Kairos (proj.) - «Covid-19 and us by Magnum Photos and you» Kyoto, Intern. photography festival, Kyoto, JP
Anthropocène (proj.) - «Sélection du Festival», Les Photographiques, Le Mans, FR
Several works - «Speed Arting», Les Jumeaux, Flon, CH
Funeral, XXe Café, Fribourg, CH
Hypogée, Swiss Fantasy Show, Lausanne, CH
La chute du héros & Sous le Masque, Maison d’Ailleurs / Gare d’Anjou, Nantes, FR

Funeral, NordArt, Büdelsdorf, DE
M42 - «Transformations», Center for Photography, Pennsylvania, USA
Monographic exhibition - «Chimères», Galerie Zwahlen, Orbe, CH
La chute du héros & Sous le Masque - «Superheroes 2.0» Lauba Gallery/Museum, Zagreb, HRV
Dark Glow (book) - «Cosmos Arles Book», Les rencontres photographiques, Arles, FR
Dark Glow (book), L’Âge d’Homme / Salon du livre, Genève, CH
Sous le Masque, Maison d’Ailleurs / Swiss Fantasy Show, Morges, CH
«Diving into creativity», Villa Mégroz Gallery, Lutry, CH
La chute du héros - «Superman, Batman&Co…mics» Maison d’Ailleurs, Museum, Yverdon, CH
We are animals, Festival Les Photographiques, Le Mans, FR
La chute du héros- «VFG prix jeune talent», Oslo8 Gallery, Bâle, CH
La chute du héros - «VFG young talent in photography price» Jungkunst, Winterthur, CH
La chute du héros - Galerie ELAC, Lausanne, CH
La chute du héros- «VFG» (projection), Journées Photographiques (Bienne), IMAGES 12 (Vevey), Keystone (Zürich),

Contact Audrey Piguet

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Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Audrey Piguet, who will respond as soon as possible.

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