Brais Remeseiro

Brais Remeseiro Biography

Spain, born 1978

My name is Brais Remeseiro Portela and I was born, raised and currently live in A Coruña (Spain). I used to design for some Metal bands, Experimental Electronic musicians and some labels. I started more or less nine years ago and have experienced two to three year breaks that seem to be cyclical. I've convinced myself that it's best if you enjoy doing the work, experiment and follow your own path.

Most of my influences come from music. I commend myself to St. Robert Fripp and St. John Zorn, but it also varies seasonally. To cite some examples in winter I'm more into Dark Ambient/Dungeon Synth especially Aghast and Old Tower, in spring Iron Maiden and Dead Can Dance, etc., always combining them with Electronic. Also, I greatly admire artists who in their time dared to innovate by redefining existing formats, as did Hieronymus Bosch when he transformed the thematic content of the sacred triptychs in his visionary work The Garden of Earthly Delights (1490-1500).

The main technique that I use is the digital collage because I have no idea how to draw. The formats vary depending on whether they are going to be printed or not, but they are almost always of variable dimensions. For example in photography 50X50 cm, although I do not rule out projects that involve supports of larger dimensions. For the rest, the typical craft materials (paper, glue, scissors, etc.). The truth is that they have not changed much. I rather involute instead of evolve. Many times I end up with the same tools that I used at school when I was a child.

Brais Remeseiro

Brais Remeseiro exhibitions, studies, awards...



Master in Contemporary Art. Creation and Research. Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra of the University of Vigo (Uvigo).


Degree in Art History. Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).


Diploma in Sound Technician specialized in Sound Creation. School of Sound microFusa, Barcelona.


Diploma in Graphic Design. PC Carrier Training School, A Coruña.


Diploma in Websites Installation. PC Carrier Training School, A Coruña.


Certificate of Higher Education in Artistic Photography. School of Art and Design EART Mestre Mateo, Santiago de Compostela.


Bachillerato Unificado Polivalente (BUP) and University Orientation Course (COU).

Secondary School IES Ramón Menéndez Pidal, A Coruña.



Exhibition with the collective Grupo Skombro at “Estudios Abertos” at the Daniel Remeseiro workshop basement. City Council of A Coruña.


Finalist in the “Certámen Fotográfico 150 Aniversario Ignacio de las Cuevas”. Ourense.


Finalist in the “XVIII Certame Fotográfico Xosé Manuel Eirís”. City Council of

Carballo, A Coruña.

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