Bryan S. Halls

53 Paintings by Bryan S. Halls for sale

Bryan S. Halls Biography

Canada, born 1978

Biography of Bryan S. Halls
Bryan S. Halls

Bryan S. Halls was born January 9th 1978 in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. At twelve years old his family would move to Chatham, Ontario, Canada. In the twelfth grade at Chatham Colligate Institute Bryan found art. The next year he would leave CCI and Chatham and moved to London, Ontario, Canada to attend H.B. Beal secondary school and attend Bealart. There Bryan would learn to create on a more professional level but lacked to see eye to eye with his teachers and left the program once finishing his OAC high school year.
Bryan would take a year off from schooling but in 1998 would enroll into the Toronto School of Art to learn more traditional techniques so he could have license to break the rules of art in the future. Bryan would only attend two years of the TSA program before he was expelled at the end of his second year. This was due to the deterring mental health. At that time Bryan started to hear voices and became delusional, Schizophrenia was setting in but Bryan refused to get help and started to travel living in Banff, Lake Louise, and New York City. In 2001 Bryan would get the help he needed when he moved back to Chatham and move in with his parents but he wasn’t done looking to find his place in the world and moved to Windsor and finally ended up back in Toronto in 2002 to attend Jewelry Arts at George Brown Collage but dropped out after a semester to go to work as Drywall carpenter. Bryan would have this career for nine years till 2011 when his mental health started to go downhill and had to go on long term disability. He would move back to Chatham and once settled into his own place his father bought him art supplies to help aid in his recovery and soon enough would show his work in the Mental Health Networks Mental Health week art show. Bryan fell in love with creating and showing his work and to this day looks for every opportunity to create and display his art. Bryan still lives and creates in Chatham and art has become a focal point for his recovery and with it has helped him become the artist and the man he is today.
Bryan over the last twelve years has had solo exhibitions at St James Presbyterian church, Leamington Arts Center, and Artspace Chatham, as well as group exhibitions at the Thames Art Gallery and other locations with in Chatham-Kent. He looks forward with optimism to future endeavors and cannot wait to see what will comes next in his young artistic career.


Why I am a Christian artist

In 1999 I was attending  the Toronto School of Art in my second year. It was a small vocational school but it had an energy like non I had felt before. At that time I started to hear demons call out to me.  I would see demons in my every day life that were never there. This followed over into 2000. Soon enough these voices and delusions would take over my life. I lost everything and everyone.  Then one night I sat there on my bed knowing that I was in some trouble. No one can help me. Then I had an idea. So I got down on my knees and started to pray to the Christian God. I gave him my soul and told him that if he got rid of the demons and protect me from evil I would creat in his name glorifying his word, that this would be my promise to him. I then went to bed. The next day I woke a new man the demons were gone, no more evil voices no more demonic images.  God had given me something no one could, a new outlook on life. I was still  paranoid schizophrenic but at least l wasn't tormented. I then went to church for days after praying in thanks to my God for through me he worked a miracle.  I made a promise that night and I am not going to break it. I will create in the lords name glorifying his people and his word. I wasn't over night a good Christian it's taken years to hone in on that craft, but I know my soul is in a good place. Soon after in 2001 I started getting medical help and am doing well. The one thing that I live with now is that promise I made that spring night so many years ago. The more God gives to me the more content I am with my life. So for him I paint.

Why I paint in black and white

I am a person with paranoid schizophrenia and depression. I see the world with a jaded view. I see ugliness not only in my personal life but the current state of global affairs. I don't feel like right now at this moment in time the world is a colorful place. So I paint with black and white. The black is the world at hand and the white is the love of the Lord and his promise of salvation. I can't say I will always feel this way but until better times I paint without color.

Bryan S. Halls

Bryan S. Halls exhibitions, studies, awards...



Bryan Stanley Halls
201 Emma St. #205
Chatham, Ontario
N7L 1B2
519 359 0152


- Woodstock, Ontario, Canada; January 9th 1978


- 1996-1997: H.B. Beal, London, Ontario- Fine Art- diploma with OAC received
- 1998-2000: Toronto School of Art, Toronto, Ontario- Fine art
- 2002-2003: George Brown Collage, Toronto, Ontario- Jewelry Art
- 2004-2005: Knox Collage, Toronto, Ontario- Lay Education
- 2015-2017: Mohawk College, Hamilton Ontario- PSR- Certificate received with honors

Notable Instructors

- Tom Campbell
- Trish Delaney
- Simone Jones

Classes Taught

- 2000: Subtractive sculpture and Color and Composition, CCI
- 2012- 2013: Art History, Mental Health Network
- 2014-2015: Art with Bryan: Mental Health Network of Chatham Kent
- 2019- Present: Creative expression: A2 (Psychiatry) Chatham Kent Health Alliance



- January 1999: Feature artist in the Catholic New Times
- 2014 Prosperity Roundtable; Breaking Barriers Publication
- 2015 Prosperity Roundtable; Breaking Barriers Publication

Solo Shows

- Sept 2016: Stories from the New Testament at St. James Presbyterian Church, Chatham, Ontario
- Aug- Sept 2017: Fates of the authors of the New Testament, Leamington Arts Center, Leamington, Ontario
- Feb-April 2018: Psalms, Artspace (Chatham), Chatham, Ontario
- July 2019: Stories from the Old Testament, Leamington Arts Center, Leamington, Ontario
- Sept-Oct 2023: In Prayer, Leamington Arts Center, Leamington, Ontario

-Sept.- Nov. 2024: Beatitudes, Artspace, Chatham, Ontario


Group Shows

- Spring 1998: Ruth Anderson Gallery, London, Ontario
- Spring 1998: London New Art Show, London, Ontario
- Winter 1998: TSA Christmas Show, Toronto, Ontario
- Spring 1999: TSA Spring Show, Toronto, Ontario
- Winter 1999: TSA Christmas Show, Toronto, Ontario
- May 2012: Mental Health Week Art Show, Chatham, Ontario
- Nov. 2013- March 2014: Creative Spirits Art Center, Toronto, Ontario
- June- July 2014: Creative Spirits Art Center, Toronto, Ontario
- Nov. 2014 – Jan. 2015: Art with Bryan, Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, Ontario

Juried Shows

- Nov. 21st 2013: Chatham-Kent Time Raiser, Chatham, Ontario
- Oct. - Nov. 2014: Eye for Art, Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, Ontario
- Nov. 2016-Jan 2017: Eye for Art, Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, Ontario
- Nov. 2018- Jan. 2019: Eye for Art, Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, Ontario
- Nov. 2022- Jan. 2023: Eye for Art, Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, Ontario
- June 2024- July 2024: Wallaceburg museum 13th Annual juried art Exhibition,
Wallaceburg, Ontario

- Nov. 2024- Jan. 2025: Eye For Art, Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, Ontario

Community Show

- Dec. - Jan. 2012-13: Text Show, Artspace, Chatham, Ontario
- Aug.-Sept. 2013 Art space print show and exchange, Chatham Ontario
- March- April 2014: Breaking Barriers Exhibition, Chatham, Ontario
- March- May 2015: Breaking Barriers Exhibition, Chatham, Ontario
- April- May 2016: Breaking Barriers Exhibition, Chatham, Ontario
- Sept.- Nov. 2018: Breaking Barriers Exhibition, Chatham, Ontario


Publicly Shown Art

- April- June 2014: St. James church sanctuary 14 stations, Chatham, Ontario
- Aug.- Nov. 2014: St James church sanctuary Reformation series, Chatham, Ontario
- Lent 2015; St. Andrews Presbyterian sanctuary 14 stations, Norwood, Ontario
- Lent 2015; Knox Presbyterian sanctuary 14 stations, Havblock, Ontario


- 2024- 2nd place people's choice award: Wallaceburg museum 13th annual juried art exhibition- "Christ on the cross"


- 2017-2019: Artspace, Chatham, Ontario
- 2023-Today: Artspace, Chatham, Ontario

Notable Collections

- 14 Scriptural Stations of the cross (14 paintings), First Presbyterian Church, Chatham, Ontario
- “John Knox at St. Johns Kirk, Pirth,” First Presbyterian Church, Chatham, Ontario
- "The Miraculous Catch of Fish" First Presbyterian Church, Chatham, Ontario

- "The Poor In Spirit" Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Chatham, Ontario



- 2000: Inukshuk Man created for Mosquito Moses bar and grill
- 2010: Portrait of Kiss, titled “Dark Knights of Rock” for Robert Rizetto
- 2014: Portrait of Pastor John for St. James Presbyterian, Chatham, Ontario
- 2015: Drawing of St. James Presbyterian for church, Chatham, Ontario
- 2015: Hummingbirds for Cathy Anderson
- 2022: Jesus heals the blind for Anne Brown


Volunteer Work

- Winter 2013- August 2019: Thames art gallery, Chatham, Ontario
- 2022-Todaty- A2 Friday Afternoon Art Group: CKHA, Chatham, Ontarioi


Contact Bryan S. Halls

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