Chine Perardel

Chine Perardel Biography

France, born 1997

To enter her work is to enter a universe where the strange and the fantastic mingle, but also a strong sensitivity mingled with tenderness and humanism. Born in Montpellier in 1997, Chine began drawing and painting at a very early age. A self-confessed autodidact, she cultivates her very particular style with great passion.

Often mocked for being different, her youth was mocked and rejected by others because she didn't accept the codes of the time. This suffering is not unrelated to the fact that she invented a world of her own, where she could take refuge from a certain intolerance. What she couldn't and didn't want to hide, she expressed through drawing. It's hardly surprising, then, that the world of her paintings is imbued with an element of fantasy and dreaminess, often with a certain shadowiness, but also with candour. There is also a definite taste for symbolism, sometimes bordering on the esoteric. She draws what she lives and lives what she draws, profoundly, without any concession to ease or old-fashioned sentimentality. The darkness of Indian ink is perfectly suited to the expression of her feelings. It's present at every turn in her work, so it's hardly surprising that it's often populated by women and their suffering. As a result, her art leaves no one indifferent, and there are many people who find in it an echo of their own feelings. A painter of the soul, Chine invites us on an inner journey, into the strange land of our dreams and our questions. A promising, seductive artist, in perpetual progress, adept at the refined purity of a language of self to self, self to other.

Chine Perardel

Chine Perardel exhibitions, studies, awards...

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