Christine Morren

11 Paintings by Christine Morren for sale

Walking Figure
Paintings, oilpaint, 6,89 x 9,45, 2024
Christine Morren
$500 USD
Paintings, Oil on wood, 39.4 x 39.4, 2020
Christine Morren
$2600 USD
The old doll can't feed the bird
Paintings, Oil on wood, 13.8 x 10.6, 2010
Christine Morren
$1000 USD
The Keeper of Secrets
Paintings, Oil on wood, 15.7 x 23.6, 2009
Christine Morren
$1100 USD
Paintings, Oil on wood, 9.4 x 7, 2014
Christine Morren
$700 USD
Beauty And The Beast
Paintings, Oil on wood, 9.4 x 7.1, 2013
Christine Morren
$700 USD
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 23.6 x 23.6, 2013
Christine Morren
$1700 USD
Paintings, Oil on wood, 15.7 x 11.8, 2013
Christine Morren
$1100 USD
Wanna be my Valentine
Paintings, Oil on wood, 11.8 x 9.4, 2011
Christine Morren
$900 USD
Creature 1001
Paintings, Oil on wood, 9.5 x 7, 2013
Christine Morren
$700 USD

3 artworks sold by Christine Morren

Christine Morren Biography

Belgium, born 1966

Christine is an artist who has pursued her passion for drawing and painting against all odds. As a child, drawing was her refuge, her creative outlet amidst school obligations. Despite her parents' opposition to attending art school, her love for art never waned.

As the years went by and her children grew older, Christine found her way back to the world of drawing and painting. Largely self-taught, she developed her own style and techniques, primarily working with oil paints. It was a journey of self-discovery and growth, where she refined her artistic skills and rekindled her passion.

Her dedication to her craft also led her to formal studies in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rillaar, under the mentorship of Maarten Ceulemans. Here, she discovered a new dimension in her artistic expression, immersing herself in the world of three-dimensional art forms and further exploring her creativity.

Christine's work has been exposed in various other galleries and exhibitions in Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, UK, USA, Switserland, ...

Christine Morren

Christine Morren exhibitions, studies, awards...

You can find all exhibitions on my website


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