Christopher Edmondson

2 Paintings by Christopher Edmondson for sale

Time reappears
Paintings, Oil on board , 55.5 x 25.5, 2020
Christopher Edmondson
$1500.00 USD
$1200.00 View Artwork
Time reappears
Paintings, Oil, 50 x 20 1/2, 2020
Christopher Edmondson
$1500.00 USD   $1200.00 USD

Christopher Edmondson Biography

United States, born 1980

I’m Chris Edmondson. An American artist from the inland northwest. My artwork is a mix of surrealism and tattoo art inspired. I’m a tattoo artist by trade. I grew up skateboarding and was heavily influenced by all the different illustrations used for the graphics of skateboards, heavy metal album covers and horror films all play apart in my artistic inspiration

Christopher Edmondson

Christopher Edmondson exhibitions, studies, awards...

Participant in the thousand cranes project.

Contact Christopher Edmondson

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