Daniela Scotton

5 Drawings by Daniela Scotton for sale

Drawings, Graphite on paper, Cm. 22x33, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$100 USD
Macabre Hug
Drawings, Graphite on paper, Cm. 22x33, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$100 USD
Drawings, Graphite on paper, Cm. 22x33, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$100 USD
Drawings, Graphite on paper, Cm. 22x33, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$100 USD
fall beauty
Drawings, Graphite on paper, Cm. 22x33, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$100 USD

8 Paintings by Daniela Scotton for sale

Macabre Hug
Paintings, Acrilic on canvas, 40cm x 30cm, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$120 USD
Lady in Green
Paintings, Acrilic and mixed media on paper, 20cm x 30cm, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$100 USD
Paintings, Acrilic on canvas, 30cm x 40cm, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$120 USD
Paintings, Acrilic and mixed media on paper, 40cm x 30cm, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$120 USD
Dangerous Forest
Paintings, Acrilic and mixed media on paper, 8x11,5, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$100 USD
Paintings, Acrilic and mixed media on paper, 8x11,5, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$100 USD
The Original Sin
Paintings, Acrilic and mixed media on paper, 8x11,5, 2024
Daniela Scotton
$100 USD

1 artworks sold by Daniela Scotton

Daniela Scotton Biography

Italy, born 27/01/2024

My name is Daniela, aka Coppelia, and I am a self-taught Italian artist. Drawing has always been a fantastic way for me to express my emotions and moods. Giving life to my inner world in a simple sheet of paper with brushes, pencils and colors is for me not only an immense joy but also a therapy against the sadness, anxiety and frustration that this reality often creates for me. Through painting and drawing, I am able to find relief and give voice to my upsets, to what is going through my mind, also drawing from my passions such as film, literature, and history. I really love the surreal because it allows me to break out of the box and draw heavily on imagination and aesthetics, which is very important to me. My works are aimed almost exclusively at the female world with a popsurrealist and gothic vein. I love mystery, the unknown fascinates me and I feel drawn to the past more than the present or the future. I believe that the past can reveal everything about being human and much can be learned from it.

I didn't go to art school, I have a degree in foreign languages, but I have always drawn and loved painting especially figurative art and the world of illustration. I took an acrylic course in Padua with master illustrator Richolly Rosazza. I took basic drawing lessons privately but mostly I drew a lot stealing with my eyes and gaining experience, not only for technique but mostly to find my own style and artistic space and I believe and hope, I have found it.

Daniela Scotton

Daniela Scotton exhibitions, studies, awards...

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Contact Daniela Scotton

Contact form for Daniela Scotton :

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Daniela Scotton contact details :

Phone : 3292446771
Email : danydarko0127@gmail.com

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