David garcia de las bayonas

1 Crafts by David garcia de las bayonas for sale

1 Paintings by David garcia de las bayonas for sale

Paintings, Oil painting, ink and collage, 62 x 47, 2023
David garcia de las bayonas
$750 USD

8 Sculpture by David garcia de las bayonas for sale

Sculpture, wood, molded plaster skull lazer carving., 5,9 x 2,9, 2022, 1
David garcia de las bayonas
$160 USD
Sculpture, wood, molded plaster skull lazer carving., 5,9 x 2,9, 2022, 1
David garcia de las bayonas
$160 USD
Sculpture, wood, molded plaster skull lazer carving., 5,9 x 2,9, 2022, 1
David garcia de las bayonas
$160 USD
Sculpture, wood, molded plaster skull lazer carving., 5,9 x 3,9, 2022, 1
David garcia de las bayonas
$160 USD
Sculpture, wood, molded plaster skull lazer carving., 5,9 x 3,9, 2022, 1
David garcia de las bayonas
$160 USD
Sculpture, wood, molded plaster skull lazer carving., 5,9 x 3,9, 2022, 1
David garcia de las bayonas
$160 USD
Sculpture, wood, molded plaster skull lazer carving., 5,9 x 3,9, 2022, 1
David garcia de las bayonas
$160 USD
Sculpture, wood, molded plaster skull lazer carving., 5,9 x 3,9, 2022, 1
David garcia de las bayonas
$160 USD

David garcia de las bayonas Biography

France, born 1973

I'm eight years old, I'm facing the big wall in the living room. In front of me, the four giant portraits of the Beatles that my mother has just finished painting. Twenty years later, I opened my workshop and my mother attended my classes. There are things that mark us in the most vivid ways. These four portraits determined who I am and what I would do with my life. A graduate of the Aix en Provence School of Fine Arts and holder of the artist-author status necessary for professionalization, I have been painting for around thirty years and supporting artists who wish to develop their technique and artistic sense. . Since then, my professional activity has consisted of three activities: Research and creation work linked to contemporary art. This is to bring concepts and personal achievements to life. It is the continuity of the school of fine arts.

A commissioned work. Through exhibitions or via social networks I come into contact with various people who wish to acquire one of my works specially created for them. This allows me to create a link between a particular creation and my universe. I thus participate in creating the atmosphere of a personal or professional place. This can take the form of one or more works on canvas, a fresco or even an installation.

The last point, teaching. I have always supported people, amateur or professional artists, in their work and artistic research. Through workshops, internships or regular courses, I provide them with my knowledge and help them advance in their artistic production.


My various influences have always enriched my work. They provide direction, a way of thinking and taking the next step. Japanese culture, comics, urban art and certain artists that I particularly like. There are painters, visual artists and writers. A book that has followed me for years, “Letters to a Young Poet” by Rainer Maria Rilke, a true method of creation, it is brilliant and sensitive, for me, a precious guide. The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius, for his angle of reflection on life and the important events that sometimes shake us up. Cyrano de Bergerac, an apprenticeship in panache and audacity through an extraordinary sensitivity. Fernando Pésoa and “the book of disquiet”, indescribably intelligent. Henri David Thoreau, his diary and “Walden” his flagship novel, a valuable guide and once again, he gives a unique way of thinking about life. The complete work of Toulouse Lautrec, a lively and brilliant character. Marcel Duchamp, Edouard Levé, Alechinsky, Arman, the Japanese collective Gutaï and so many others. In books and in the lives of those who wrote them, there is a veritable mine of knowledge about the act of creation.

David garcia de las bayonas

David garcia de las bayonas exhibitions, studies, awards...

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Contact David garcia de las bayonas

Contact form for David garcia de las bayonas :

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David garcia de las bayonas contact details :

Phone : +10678917405
Email : bayonas01@gmail.com

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