Dusty Reed

3 Drawings by Dusty Reed for sale

Drawings, Graphite on bristol, 9”x11”, 2024
Dusty Reed
$$150 USD
The Artist
Drawings, Ink and markers, 5”x7”, 2024
Dusty Reed
$150 USD
New Ton Pendulum
Drawings, Graphite on bristol, 10”x14” tho the corner did suffer some wear so it may need to be cropped, 2024
Dusty Reed
$250 USD

Dusty Reed Biography

United States, born 1984

Been drawing since before I could speak- was born in Flagstaff, AZ- moved to Black Hawk, SD when I was a pre-teen since I was getting into troubled crowds. It’s a pretty desolate and isolated area with a lot of backwoods type of stuff happening as a normal occurrence. It has progressed some, tho the state I’m in is pretty anti-womens rights still.

I work as a tattoo artist in a street type shop- love what I do!

Drawing and painting are my passions and therapy for this tumultuous existence. I am a mother of 2, a free thinker, and very off the beaten path. I killed my tv. I am straight edge. I don’t party. I love art, making it and viewing it.

Dusty Reed

Dusty Reed exhibitions, studies, awards...

Won people’s choice at a skateboard show locally called ‘that’s how we roll’

Was published in Catapult art magazine.

My work has been featured with artists on Timesquare


Contact Dusty Reed

Contact form for Dusty Reed :

Please input the result of 8 + 5 =

Dusty Reed contact details :

Phone : 6056468715
Email : dustyroseism@hotmail.com

Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Dusty Reed, who will respond as soon as possible.

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