Poland, born 1991
Residing in Poznan, the artist and designer has been immersed in his craft since 2007, focusing primarily on the art of graffiti lettering. Yet, his creative journey extends far beyond this specialty, encompassing a diverse range of mediums including traditional print, digital design, toy making, and video art. Continuously fueled by a quest for innovation, he adeptly combines these elements, resulting in a body of work that offers a fresh and distinctive perspective to his audience.
Unceasingly in search of new ideas and techniques, the artist's evolution has allowed him to push the boundaries of his talent, integrating various mediums to present his work in a truly unique light. Through this fusion of creativity and experimentation, he invites viewers into a world where traditional and contemporary art forms seamlessly intertwine, creating an immersive and captivating experience.
Maquis projects ‘Eminent Domain A’ exhibition: Artist (2013)
‘Ayran’ Graffiti Workshop in Yaşar University: Instructor (2013)
Workshop participation: Yaşar University Graphic Days ‘A Biography’ illustration workshop with Emre Senan (2015)
Interior design for SesliHarfler Interactive Marketing Agency Artist (2015)
Choosen on the Best Album Covers of 2015 with Sycho Gast- Gaia cover (2015)
Festival Participanton: Mixter Festival in Belgrade with ‘Pop-Art patterns on theDesigner (2015) traditional Turkish chair.
Solo Exhibition: Before the Parenthesis in Izmir University of Economics (2015) Artist
Serigraphy exhibition ; City Public Library "Zamostek" in Opole (2017) / Artist
Salam na Naszym Fyrtlu, Graffiti Workshop / Arsenal Gallery Poznan (2019) : Instructor
Meeting of Styles Poland / Lublin / Poland -(2019-2023)Artist
City Modification project with Municipality of Tire / Izmir Mural Painting Artist (2020)
Zacni Przyjaciele -Collective Exhibition / Gallery Zacnie (2022-2023) Artist
Meeting Of Styles Germany Graffiti and Street Art Festival (2023) Invited Artist
Urban Art Area 3 Collective Exhibition by Leonarda Art Gallery (2023) Invited Artist
Urban Art Online Auction by Desa Unicum (2023) Invited Artist
Custom and Graphic Designer at Doctor Shoes (2023- 2024) Designer
Contact form for FreskTire :
FreskTire contact details :
Phone : +48574130742Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist FreskTire , who will respond as soon as possible.
If you want to send a message to Dark Art Movement, please visit the Contact Us page.