Gabriel Grun

13 Paintings by Gabriel Grun for sale

Ladrón de Huevos
Paintings, Oil on wood, 24 x 37, 2016
Gabriel Grun
$8900 USD
Gabriel Grun
$11400 USD
Homme Sans Bras
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 78.7 x 43.3, 2016
Gabriel Grun
$13700 USD
Gabriel Grun
$9100 USD
Paintings, Oil on round canvas, 51 x 51
Gabriel Grun
$8000 USD
La Pequeña Aracné
Paintings, Oil on round canvas, 35.5 x 35.5
Gabriel Grun
$4500 USD
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 39.5 x 12
Gabriel Grun
$4600 USD
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 35 x 77
Gabriel Grun
$11300 USD
La Pequeña Peluda
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 39.4 x 19.7
Gabriel Grun
$6800 USD

Gabriel Grun Biography

Spain, born 1978

Gabriel Grun, born in Argentina in 1978, works in the classical manner, constructing his oil paintings with care and an inquiring curiosity for the past master's methods.

He tries to acquire not only the technical know-how but also to learn and incorporate the pictorial syntax of the great painters he admires, and with this particular language, which he considers not spent, pertinent and still useful, he tries to communicate personal and evidently contemporary messages.

Grun began his career in Argentina, is now settled in Spain and his works are scattered all around the globe, having aroused the interest of a diversified group of collectors.

Grun believes in the capacity of an artist to connect with all of art history, and in the existence of certain holes in it which can be filled, certain works that should be done, that are missing, things Dürer or Holbein just did not find enough time to do.

His vision is thus that of the possibility of continuing that big lineage of painters, of the importance of achieving certain paintings though not matter what excuses, exhibitions, galleries, commissions, whatever the road to get down to making these possible and somehow necessary works.

Grun is attracted to the elements of the classical canon, the figure, landscape and a few draps, architecture is not too present but elements of the still-life do appear.

Gabriel Grun

Gabriel Grun exhibitions, studies, awards...

  • Septiembre 2015, participa en la muestra "Hey! Act III", Museo Halle Saint Pierre, Paris.
  • Noviembre 2013, participa en los premios "Figurativas 2013", Museo MEAM, Barcelona.
  • Octubre 2010, 'Capriccio', Galería 101/Exhibit, Mimai.
  • Junio 2010, 'MIA, Miami international Art Fair', Mimai.
  • Marzo 2010, 'Figuración vigente, Agua', Museo de Arte Tigre, Buenos Aires.
  • Mayo 2009, 'arteBA 09', Feria de Arte Contemporáneo, Galería Wussmann, Buenos Aires.
  • Abril 2008, 'Pinturas (2008 - 2009)', Galería Wussmann, Buenos Aires.
  • Septiembre 2008, 'Las Entrañas del Arte', muestra colectiva, IMAGO Espacio de arte, Buenos Aires.
  • Julio 2008, 'Soho Telo Muestra', muestra colectiva, intervención en hotel, Buenos Aires.
  • Mayo 2008, 'arteBA 08', Feria de Arte Contemporáneo, Galería Wussmann, Buenos Aires.
  • Abril 2008, 'Schildersweek', Residencia de artistas, Domburg, Holanda.
  • Abril 2008, 'MiArt 08', Feria de Arte Contemporaneo, Galería Wussmann, Milán.
  • Febrero 2008, 'Arbol', muestra colectiva, Galería Holz, Buenos Aires.
  • Agosto 2007, 'Remate 2007 - 8va edición', Museo Eduardo Sívori, Buenos Aires.
  • Agosto 2007, 'Arte Joven, La fiesta de los monstruos', Galería Wussmann, Buenos Aires.
  • Junio 2007, 'Alter-Ego', Galería Ro, Buenos Aires.
  • Junio 2007, 'Colección Elia-Robirosa', muestra colectiva, Museo Oscar Niemeyer, Curitiba.
  • Mayo 2007, '15 x 15', muestra colectiva, Galería Praxis, Buenos Aires.
  • Febrero 2007, Art MADRID, Feria de Arte Contemporaneo, Galería MiTO, Madrid.
  • Diciembre 2006, 'Cap - i - cua', muestra colectiva, Galeríá MiTO, Barcelona.
  • Diciembre 2006, 'Coleccionables', muestra colectiva, Galería Holz, Buenos Aires.
  • Septiembre 2006, Primera Edicion "Premios UADE", Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires.
  • Agosto 2006, 'Rembrandt examinado', muestra colectiva, Museo de Bellas Artes Juan R. Vidal, Corrientes.
  • Marzo 2006, 'Rembrandt examinado', muestra colectiva, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires.
  • Marzo 2006, 'Tarot (art) istas', muestra colectiva, Galería Holz, Buenos Aires.
  • Noviembre 2005, BAC! 05, Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Galería La Santa, Barcelona.
  • Agosto 2005, "Mitologías" junto a Lorena Guzman, Sala 10, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires.
  • Mayo 2005, 'arteBA 05', Feria de Arte Contemporaneo, Galería Transarte, Buenos Aires.
  • Noviembre 2004, 'Metamorfosis', Galeria Zamora, Buenos Aires.
  • Diciembre 2003, ‘El Cuerpo como Destino’, muestra colectiva, Museo Eduardo Sívori, Buenos Aires.

Contact Gabriel Grun

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