Gary Houle jr

2 Drawings by Gary Houle jr for sale

Drawings, Charcoal on 140# paper., 18" x 24" , 2024
Gary Houle jr
$200 USD
Just A Taste two
Drawings, pen, charcoal, pan pastels and watercolor., 25" x 39.5", 2024
Gary Houle jr
$300 USD

2 Mixed media by Gary Houle jr for sale

The Messenger
Mixed media, mixed media ( charcoal, pan pastels, watercolor, colored pencils), 22" x 30", 2024
Gary Houle jr
$200 USD

1 Paintings by Gary Houle jr for sale

Forbidden Lust
Paintings, Oil paint on canvas , 16" x 20" , 2023
Gary Houle jr
$300 USD

Gary Houle jr Biography

United States, born 1970

As a combat veteran it can be a challenge to have healthy coping methods. I had been feeding the Warfighter side for too long and needed a balance inside, as well as outside, I put my hands to work, allowing my mind to be creative. Embracing and absorbing all I could to become a multimedia artist. Experimenting to find my own path. Art is a way for me to express myself, channel the negative into something positive, vent emotions and clear my mind. as I like to say, " My demons go to art therapy."


Gary Houle jr

Gary Houle jr exhibitions, studies, awards...

Foundation Visual Fine Arts Award, CT State- Manchester and The Visual Fine Arts Department, Spring 2024

"Colors of Courage", Work Space Gallery.903 Main Street, Manchester, CT 06040

Contact Gary Houle jr

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Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Gary Houle jr, who will respond as soon as possible.

If you want to send a message to Dark Art Movement, please visit the Contact Us page.