Gazink Art

5 Art Prints by Gazink Art for sale

The Widows Son
Art Prints, GiclƩe Print , 12 X 16, 2022, 100
Gazink Art
$120 USD
The Magus
Art Prints, GiclƩe Print , 12 X 16, 2020 , 100
Gazink Art
$120 USD

Gazink Art Biography

Netherlands, born 23 08 1968

Gazink Art is the work of artist Gary Cummins. Born 23rd August 1968 in Belfast, Ireland. Currently living in the Netherlands.

'My earliest memories of drawing and painting are of early school and preschool years. Growing up in a Roman Catholic community we were surrounded by Religious Narrative Art, mostly from the Renaissance period. My Grandmothers house was full of these images. At school I was encouraged to paint and draw this kind of art, some of which remained hanging on display long after I left school. Outside of school my interest was in fantasy art, comics, horror/Sci-Fi movies and books. During my teenage years music became a major feature in my life. Particularly the Post-Punk genre of the 1980's and 90's. From this point Cover Art, Tattoos, Occult Art and Symbolism, Graphic Novels and Graffiti Art had a big impact on my imagination.

I have always had a keen interest in all things Occult and in the early 90's had taken a more serious interest, especially in the teachings of The Hermitic Order of The Golden Dawn. Their use of Tarot, Qabalah and techniques for expanded awareness came to play an important role in my life which not only provided me with a discipline for creative visualisation but furnished my mind with a rich glossary of Western Hermetic Symbolism.

I spent many years in the Squatter Movement of the Netherlands in the 1990's which had a vibrant underground Industrial Techno scene. Dark Ambient Soundscapes with grinding Industrial beats coming out of run down factories and warehouses. The imagery and artwork of this subculture, produced by many great artists was a kind Post-apocalyptic, Dark Industrial, Monochrome, Abstract Realism, Street Art using a lot of stencils. This was a very creative and experimental period for me as an artist. During this time I produced some design work and backdrop paintings for one of the sound systems that was most active on the circuit.

In recent years I have created Cover Art and Design for some of my favourite publishers and writers inĀ  Occult Literature.

My work could be described as NeoSymbolism , DarkSurrealism, ParaRealism or Occult Narrative Art.

I am interested in art that explores the human subconscious. Glimpses of Ethereal Worlds. Making the invisible world of Archetypal Entities and landscapes more visible. Glitches in Perception, Visions experienced during expanded awareness where normal human language is no longer valid. Hidden Concepts that can only be understood through Symbolism and imagery'.

"It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out."

Proverbs of Solemon 25:2


Available for licensing and open to commissioned work, cover art and design, logo design in both digital and traditional mediums.

Gazink Art

Gazink Art exhibitions, studies, awards...

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