Giuditta R

17 Drawings by Giuditta R for sale

Hot Room II
Drawings, graphite and mixed techniques on paper, 40x28, 2019
Giuditta R
$2500 USD   $1800 USD
Drawings, graphite and mixed techniques on paper, 28x20, 2014
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $1000 USD
Butterflies V
Drawings, Graphite and mixed techniques on paper, 20x28, 2016
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $1400 USD
The Ancestral Lady III
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $900 USD
Ancestral apparition
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $900 USD
Drops of Madness
Drawings, Graphite and mixed techniques on paper, 28x40, 2012
Giuditta R
$2500 USD   $1400 USD
We really like this game
Drawings, Graphite and mixed techniques on paper, 28x40, 2016
Giuditta R
$2500 USD   $1900 USD
We really like this game IV
Giuditta R
$2500 USD   $1800 USD
Chrysalis II
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $1300 USD
The fact is that we are getting drunk with beauty II
Drawings, Graphite and mixed techniques on paper, 14x20, 2016
Giuditta R
$1500 USD   $900 USD
Brothers VI
Drawings, Graphite and mixed techniques on paper, 20x28, 2014
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $900 USD
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $1400 USD
Vanessa’s Room II
Drawings, Graphite and mixed techniques on paper, 20x28, 2016
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $1200 USD
That day to forget
Drawings, Graphite and mixed techniques on paper, 28x20, 2017
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $1000 USD
Daphne’s wish
Giuditta R
$2000 USD   $800 USD
Our Family Secret V
Giuditta R
$2500 USD   $1800 USD
Our Family Secret IV
Giuditta R
$1000 USD   $500 USD

Giuditta R Biography


International visual artist and director of the artists' residency Villa R
Giuditta R has been showing her works in several galleries, museums, and other contemporary art centers in Denmark, Germany, France, Lithuania, Spain, Mexico, America, Italy, Austria, Hungary, England, Greece, Turkey, etc. and her works are in private and public collections worldwide.
Giuditta is represented by Heike Arndt Gallery in Berlin and Kettinge (Denmark), by Oscar Roman in Mexico City, and by Art Decentrale founded by Allan Paulose in Arkansas, USA.
Currently lives in Berlin, Germany.

Giuditta R

Giuditta R exhibitions, studies, awards...

Selected solo Exhibitions

2024: ”HHV Mental Health Matters”, Art DeCentrale Gallery – Arkansas, USA
”Familiar Constellation” next to globally known artist Roger Ballen – Oxholm Gallery, Copenhagen

2023: ”Genetic Secrets II” - Halloween show at Mano's on Emma - Arkansas - USA

Genetic Secrets” - Likewise community space - Fayetteville, Arkansas - USA

2021: ”Unmute” - Heike Arndt Gallery – Berlin - DE

2020: ”Family constellations” - Complexity Science Center – Mexico City - MX

2019: ”A Genetic Secret" - Noox Ayuntamiento - Mexico City - MX

Phenomena III” - Hus, Milan - IT

2018: ”Phenomena” Noox Escandon, Mexico City – MX

Phenomena II” - Studio Cocco Arte Contemporanea, Messina - IT

Reality, fantasy and all the things in between” Oxholm Gallery – Copenhagen – DK

Incognitus” - Schloss (Castle) Mühlberg – Brandenburg, Germany - DE

2017: ”Vanessa's Room” - curated by Milo Goj - Cultural center Umanitaria, Milan – IT

2016: ”Strange Brew” - Heike Arndt Gallery, Berlin - DE

Danmarks Nationalbank – Copenhagen - DK

Vanessa's Room” – Antonello Palace (Palacultura), Messina - IT

2015: “Vanessa's Room” / solo show with Clive Barker / Oxholm Gallery, Copenhagen - DK

"Our Shadows Will Dance" Palazzo Monte di Pietá, Messina - IT

"Our Shadows Will Dance" Atelier Residency Villa R, Messina – IT

2014: “Treasures” Heike Arndt Gallery, Berlin - DE

2013: “Drops of Madness” Oxholm Gallery, Copenhagen – DK

2012: “Drops of Madness” Damp Gallery, Copenhagen – DK

2011: “Drops of Madness" Sala Dogana, Palazzo Ducale, Institute of Contemporary Art, Genoa - IT

2010: SAK Kunstforening, Centre of Contemporary Art, Svendborg, Denmark – DK

Selected Group Exhibitions

2024: ”Mutu” - Museo Epicentro, Messina - Italy

Copenhagen Photo Festival – gallery Oxholm, Copenhagen - DK

Art Gallery grand opening & Artists reception - Art the Centrale Gallery, Springdale - Arkansas - USA

2023: BAAM – Berlin Affordable Art Market - Berlin

Interform - Art & Fashion Biennial, ASSEMBLY - Arkansas, USA

Open Art Special - Nue Art Gallery – Istanbul, Turkey

Cov-art project – Copelouzos Family Art Museum – Athens, Greece

2022: Miami Artweeks, Casa del Arte, Palma de Mallorca - Spain and Lelie Galerij - Amsterdam – by Artboxy

Beyond Code & Time” - Pavillon 0 – Spazio Thetis, Arsenale Nord – Venice Biennale, Italy

Open art” - Art Number 23 Gallery Barcelona, Spain

Ella, Nosotras, Todas” - Galeria Oscar Roman, Mexico City - Mexico

New Era IV” - Virtual show - sponsored by Art Number 23 Gallery Athens - Greece

2021: ”Athens Open Art” - Art Number 23 Gallery – Athens, Greece

Divagaciones sobre la muerte” - Aguafuerte Galeria – Mexico City – Mexico

Exposicion Internacional de Arte Mexicano”, Superficie Arte, Palacio Municipal, Puebla, Mexico

"Select Art Fair" and silent auction by Kretaevent, Chania-Crete, Greece

2020: "A Cross Section of Contemporary Portraiture" gowithyamo online - curated by Alan Freshman (NY)

"5ta Subasta" - Galeria Oscar Roman, Mexico City

"Art store Auction” - Superficie Arte, Mexico City

"Paralelas Contemporàneas XIII" - Galeria Oscar Romàn - Mexico City

"Nekos Opsis" C-3 (Complexity Science Center) - Mexico City - MX

Minimanihilismo” - Superficie Arte Program – Mexico City

Los Sonidos de la Luz” - Superficie Arte Program – Mexico City

Confluencias Artisticas” - Superficie Arte Program – Mexico City

Sin Brùjula” - Superficie Arte Program – Mexico City

La Herida y la Memoria” - Superficie Arte Program – Mexico City

2019: The Ballery Gallery, curated by Simon Williams, Berlin – DE

Preparing for Darkness vol.4: True romance” - curated by Uwe Goldenstein - Kühlhaus, Berlin – DE

"Summer exhibition" - Heike Arndt Gallery - Kettinge, Denmark - DK

Fresh Legs” - Insel Galerie, Berlin - DE

2018: Fri Music fest - RSDNART Noox Kankabal, Yucatàn - Mexico - MX

42 Contemporary artists - Enter Art Foundation - Berlin Art Week - Gerichtshöfe, Berlin - DE

Incognitus” – presented by Noox (Mexico) - Moxy Hotel Ostbanhof, Berlin - DE

Magika/mente” Career Prize - Castle Gallego, Sant'agata di Militello - Messina, Italy - IT

2017: 49 Contemporary artists, by Enter Art Foundation - Kant Garage Charlottenburg, Berlin - DE

My personal choice” - Heike Arndt Gallery, Berlin - DE

2016: Armory Week at M1-5, organized by Conception Events, New York – USA

Art Lab - Heike Arndt Gallery, Kettinge, Denmark – DK

Ricoh Prize 2016, award exhibition - Oberdan Space, Milan – IT

Eastern Front/Eastern Meridian - Casarsa della Delizia – IT

Sergio Fadriani Prize 2016, award exhibition - Palazzo Ducale, Genova – IT

2015: “Backtaloget", Gallery Oxholm, Copenhagen - DK

Art-Lab" Gallery Heike Arndt, Kettinge, Denmark DK

La Realtá e la Materia” Scalvini Museum, Milan – IT

Nuova generazione” LAB Forma - Museo dell'Argilla, Messina - IT

2014: Copenhagen Art Fair - Oxholm Gallery – DK

Opdagelser” Heike Arndt Gallery Kettinge, Denmark - DK

Fresh legs", Heike Arndt Gallery, Berlin - DE

Psychogram" - curated by Uwe Goldenstein, Oxholm Gallery - Copenhagen - DK

2013: “Eye can draw”, Tijana Miskovic Show Room, Copenhagen – DK

Biennale JCE - Jeune Création Européenne, international moving show, Paris, Klaïpeda -

Lithuania, Hamburg – Germany, Bratislava - Slovakia, Pecs - Hungary, Salzburg - Austria,

Amarante - Portugal

2012: “Spejlinger”, Museum Lolland Falster, Denmark - DK

Lys over Lolland”, Museum Lolland Falster, Denmark - DK

Herning Art Fair - DAMP Gallery, Denmark - DK

2011: “Generous Gestures" Den Frie Udstillingsbygning (Centre of Contemporay Art) - Copenhagen - DK

2010: “Fata Morgana", Gallery Meno Parkas, Kaunas, Lithuania - LT

Start - Mail Art Project", Gallery of Art and Design Patricia Muñoz – Barcelona - ES

Christmas Palm", Freies Museum - Berlin - DE

2009: “Fairy Tales, young artists from Wonderland”, Antonio Battaglia Gallery, Milan - IT

Summer time” - Christoffer Egelund Gallery – Copenhagen - DK

Present Art” curated by Lucio Barbera, Vittorio Emanuele Theatre, Messina – IT

Grants, prizes, residencies, publications, and others

Ongoing: Direction of Villa R Artists Residency, Messina – IT (

2024: Premio Trinacria Circolare – International Award - Museo Epicentro, Messina - Italy

Artwork in the permanent collection at Museo Epicentro, Messina – Italy

"Diversion" catalogue and online exhibition by Aedra Fine Arts - Atlanta, Georgia - USA

Villa R residency - TransCultural Exchange 2025 International Conference - Boston - USA

2023: Giuditta R is the youngest artist featured in the documentary La Messina Bendata, made by Salvo Grasso

and presented by Vittorio Sgarbi at the Palazzo della Cultura in Messina. The documentary features all the known

historical artists of Messina from Antonello da Messina to Togo and Ghersi just to name a few

Interview by art critic and historian Mariateresa Zagone on Italian Magazine

Article for solo exhibition event ”Genetic Secrets” on TV KNWA - Arkansas – USA

2021: Article review by New York art critic Denise Carvalho

Article on Lazagne Art Magazine - Italy

2020: Interview on Azteca TV – Mexico City - MX

Interview on Milenio TV – Mexico City - MX

Noox Residency – Mexico City - MX

2019: Artwork “My Gold Gift” - Olaf Schirm Collection - Berlin, DE

Selection for XII Florence Biennale - IT

2018: RSDNART Noox Kankabal, Artist Residency - Yucatàn - Mexico - MX

Career Prize - Magika/mente 2018 - Castello dei Principi Gallego di Sant'Agata Militello - IT

2016: Interview on Tempostretto TV - IT

Grant received for Vanessa's Room by Le Scalinate dell'Arte Organization, Messina - IT

Article on Lazagne Art Magazine - Italy

Artworks printed on garments in fashion shows, selected for competition Hyeres - Japan

Article at Gazzetta del Sud – IT

Selected finalist at Ricoh Prize 2016, Milan – IT

Artwork ”The dreamers II” reported with an honorable mention at Sergio Fedriani Prize, Genova - IT

2015: Interview on TreMedia TV - IT

Article on 109 Magazine - IT

Featured artwork in Saatchi online: A Fine Line: New Drawing' collection

Grant received for Vanessa's Room exhibition - Italian Culture Institute Copenhagen

2015/16 Catalog Our Shadows will Dance sponsored by Assessorato alla Cultura, Messina - IT

2014: Starry Night, Artists to look for - publication – New York - USA

Selected for publication in Rivel Lit no.13 magazine, Washington - USA

2013: Interview for Kopenhagen (International art Magasine)

2012: Residency, production, and research - Prague, Czech Republic

Selected for ”100 Curators 100 Days” - Saatchi Gallery - collection by curator Ben Street

Publication in the New Collectors Book 2012 - New York – USA

Selected on ”three picks of the week” by DR, Danish Radio – DK

2011: Selected - 30 finalists Saatchi Online ”Drawing Showdown Competition”

2010: Danish Arts Council’s Intercultural Advisory Project, assignment of a yearly mentorship -

Statens Kunstråd, Copenhagen - DK

Statens Kunstråd Grant - ”Generous Gestures” show, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen – DK

Contact Giuditta R

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Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Giuditta R, who will respond as soon as possible.

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