Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson

Works of art by Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson for sale

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1 artworks sold by Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson

Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson Biography

Sweden, born 1970

Graffiti artist since 1984.

Born and raised in the suburbs of Stockholm. The underground was my playground, the subway trains and the suburbian concrete my canvases. In that environment I discovered my special gift, since then I've dedicated my life to the creative process.

Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson

Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson exhibitions, studies, awards...


  • 1984-2024, 40 years as autodidact graffiti artists. Stockholm Sweden.
  • 1988-1989, Konstskolan I Stockholm (Stockholm Art School), Stockholm Sweden.
  • 1989-1990, Nyckelvikskolan (The Art School of Nyckelviken), Stockholm Sweden.
  • 1991-1996, Master of fine arts at Konstfack (National College of Art, Crafts and Design), Stockholm Sweden.


  • 1995-2003, Designfront AB. Freelance illustrator and graphic designer. Stockholm Sweden.
  • 1997-2003, Liquid Media AB.  Lead art, concept art and 3D artist focused on the gaming industry. Stockholm Sweden.
  • 2003-2020, Hantverkshuset. Teaching crafts (Ceramics, wood working, jewelry design, blacksmithing). Helsingborg Sweden.
  • 2020-(still active), Karpens aktivitetshus. Teaching crafts. Helsingborg Sweden.

Contact Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson

Contact form for Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson :

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Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson contact details :

Email : jimmy@skize.se

Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Jimmy -SKIZE- Svensson, who will respond as soon as possible.

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