Karan Kalha

10 Drawings by Karan Kalha for sale

1 Paintings by Karan Kalha for sale

Karan Kalha
$1566 USD

1 artworks sold by Karan Kalha

Karan Kalha Biography

United Kingdom, born 1974

I am an artist living and working in London. My artistic journey began at a very young age fuelled by a unbound imagination and a passion for storytelling. I draw inspiration for my work from the fleeting images that form on the surface of my mind when the light of the exterior world penetrates through.
In my work I am drawn towards creating connections I percieve between the physical and metaphysical world. My aim is to plant a seed of throught in the viewers mind that would come to life and grow in their own mental landscape. I enjoy using non conventional subjects and metaphors to creative my visual language to communicate. I do not have a medium of choice, the thought or image always dictates the medium and the technique of communication. I work in oil, acrylic, pastels, charcoal and mixed medium.

Karan Kalha

Karan Kalha exhibitions, studies, awards...

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Contact Karan Kalha

Contact form for Karan Kalha :

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Karan Kalha contact details :

Phone : 07894115367
Email : karankalha@yahoo.com

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