Kristina Tot Kaša

10 Paintings by Kristina Tot Kaša for sale

Paintings, Large, 31x31, 2023
Kristina Tot Kaša
$400 USD   $370 USD
Paintings, Large, 31x31, 2022
Kristina Tot Kaša
$400 USD   $370 USD
Wish you have one
Paintings, Large, 31x31, 2024
Kristina Tot Kaša
$750 USD
Paintings, Large, 51x35, 2021
Kristina Tot Kaša
$1600 USD
Sinners welcome
Paintings, 31x23, 2024
Kristina Tot Kaša
$600 USD

Kristina Tot Kaša Biography

Croatia, born 17.01.1987.

I am a self-taught painter, Kristina Tot Kaša, born 1987, who is trying to break through the borders of Croatia with works. In 2015., I decided to pick up a brush for the first time, and today I am alredy a well-known face of art in croatia. Inspiration comes to me by itself, or spend hours on the internet looking for an interesting inspiration of image or a person. It doesnt have to be perfect, but it has to have "that something" that makes it special to me. I prefer pop and modern art in a somewhat more abstract, witty, sarcastic form. Like bright, expressive colors and contrasts.I always choose lager canvases because I think its bad idea to waste a good idea on a small canvas. The pictures are different, sarcastic, dark, impressive and attract a lot of attention.


Kristina Tot Kaša

Kristina Tot Kaša exhibitions, studies, awards...

2018- Permanent exhibition in the Contemporary Art Gallery Veljko Dugošević Kučevo - Serbia

2018- First solo exhibition in the Scheier Hall in Čakovec, 16 paintings exhibited

2018- Slovenski dom, Zagreb

2019-Zrinski ART festival, Čakovec, collective

2019- KCM Gallery, group exhibition, Zagreb

2020- Ministry of Defense Gallery "Zvonimir, Zagreb

2021- solo exhibition in MURAI_ Croatia

2023- AZIMUT, Šibenik

Contact Kristina Tot Kaša

Contact form for Kristina Tot Kaša :

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Kristina Tot Kaša contact details :

Phone : +385959142812
Email :

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