Lesina Tupai

Works of art by Lesina Tupai for sale

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Lesina Tupai Biography

Australia, born 13/06/2002

Hi, my name is Lesina. I have been drawing and calling myself an artist for years, however I've only began taking it seriously in the last couple months. I feel like I finally know what I'm doing.  I love drawing on a large scale, I love detail and the fix you get standing back and admiring what you've done. My only slightly big achievements in art I'd say is winning the art award in high school and designing an Anzac Day mural for the same school. I hope to get my artwork out there and have that recognition and potentially make earnings from my work. I want to tell my story and share my experiences, and have people ask questions. Through art, I believe is what helps me better understand myself, process my emotions and reflect on my past, and it is something I only want to keep getting better at.

Lesina Tupai

Lesina Tupai exhibitions, studies, awards...

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Contact Lesina Tupai

Contact form for Lesina Tupai :

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Lesina Tupai contact details :

Phone : 0411679722
Email : lesinatupai@gmail.com

Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Lesina Tupai, who will respond as soon as possible.

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