Mahrk Gotié

9 Paintings by Mahrk Gotié for sale

Paintings, Acrylic painting on canva, 25 x 21 x 0,79, 2022
Mahrk Gotié
$600 USD
My Skeleton tries to escape from Reality
Paintings, Acrylic paiting on canva, 23 x 28 x 0,79, 2024
Mahrk Gotié
$420 USD
Big Bang Cosmos
Paintings, Acrylic paiting on paper, 25 x 19 x 0,4, 2022
Mahrk Gotié
$385 USD
Freaky Teddy
Paintings, Acrylic paiting on paper, 24 x 19 x 0,4, 2021
Mahrk Gotié
$400 USD
Monster looking for Flowers in the Hills
Paintings, paper, 18,9 x 14,18, 2024
Mahrk Gotié
$300 USD
Paintings, canva, 31,5 x 31,5 x 1,58, 2024
Mahrk Gotié
$2400 USD
Seaside Suicide
Paintings, canva, 24,02 x 19,69 x 0,79, 2022
Mahrk Gotié
$550 USD

2 artworks sold by Mahrk Gotié

Mahrk Gotié Biography

France, born 1985

Mahrk Gotié lives in the south of France, in Perpignan. He plays electric guitar and sings in the rock band Dark Therapy. He is also the author of two novels: "Les invraisemblables aventures de Monsieur Tout le Monde" (a crazy comedy published by IS Editions) and "Spiritus Mundi" (a fantastical-poetic novel published by Sudarènes Editions).

For the past three years, he has been assiduously painting. This art allows him to share his emotions and his state of mind in a spontaneous way. His style is atypical because the bright and varied colors contrast with the very dark themes of his works. His paintings deal particularly with disenchanted childhood, death, chaos and suffering. His influences range from Basquiat to Pollock, Munch, Dali and Picasso! A variety of genres that can be found in these paintings, which are very different from each other!

Lovers of macabre art and original works will find in these paintings powerful feelings and thoughts, which will leave no one indifferent. As you can see, Mahrk Gotié is a promising artist to be discovered absolutely!

Mahrk Gotié

Mahrk Gotié exhibitions, studies, awards...

2021 : Exposition collective « Libère la Culture » à Saint-Estève (Pyrénées Orientales).

2021 : Luxembourg Art Prize, certificat de mérite artistique.

2023 :  Luxembourg Art Prize, certificat de mérite artistique.

2024: Prix LOUISEART, certificat de mérite.

Contact Mahrk Gotié

Contact form for Mahrk Gotié :

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Mahrk Gotié contact details :

Phone : 0627541647
Email :

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