Marco Licata

4 Digital Art by Marco Licata for sale

Cute little nightmare_"Ozzapup"
Digital Art, pencil and digital coloring, 11,81 x 15,75 (30x40 cm), 2025, 3
Marco Licata
$70 USD

6 Paintings by Marco Licata for sale

Marco Licata Biography

Italy, born 06/10/1974

Marco was born in Hanau (Germany) in October, 6th 1974. Here he became aware of himself thanks to a little rounded mirror with a green wooden frame. At the age of 10 he moved to Italy. He got his degree in Industrial Design at Milan’s Politecnico.
During one of his trips, in Amsterdam, when he visited a Salvator Dalì’s exhibition, he found out to have a passion for painting and thanks to Ridley Scott’s movie “Alien” , he got in touch with HR Giger’s art finding out his taste for gothic.
Marco travelled through Europe for over 3 years living in Dublin, Berlin and Glasgow. In Berlin, thanks to the Airbrush Club, he got in touch with the world of Bodypainting. For several years Marco took part of the World Bodypainting Festival and was invited to be part of the jury of the Italian Bodypainting Festival in 2012.
Marco worked for HR Giger and his Museum doing biomechanical Bodypaintings for events like the 10th Anniversary of the HR Giger Museum, the Biomechanic Day, the Tattoo Convention in Florence, the 15th Anniversary of the HR Giger Museum and realized the project for the 20th Anniversary of the HR Giger Museum.

Marco paints on canvas, paper and skin, sometimes for fun, often to search the depth of the soul, looking for the light hidden behind the curtain of our inner darkness.

Marco's paintings are “Seelenlandschaften”, landscapes of a soul, using traditional techniques (acrylic), but rencently he started to draw sketches, his “cute little nightmares”, on paper which than are colored digitally: puppets and plushes that interpret rock myths, horror movies and moods in a bizarre, grotesque and entertaining way.

Marco Licata

Marco Licata exhibitions, studies, awards...


2008, a Biomechanical Bodypainting, H.R. Giger Museum, Gruyères, Swiss

2010, i Mille volti dell'Anima, Immagini Spazio Art, Cremona, Italy

2011, Biomechanic Day, H.R. Giger Museum, Gruyères, Swiss

2013, Biomechanic Skin, 27, Bergamo, Italy

2024, Cute Little Nightmares, la Cattedrale, Cusano Milanino-Milan, Italy


1998-1999, Mostra concorso di pittura e scultura "don Angelo Foppa", circolo culturale "G. Greppi", Bergamo, Italy

2013, a Trilogy for the 15th Anniversary, H.R. Giger Museum, Gruyères, Swiss


1999, Catalogue of Mostra concorso di pittura e scultura "don Angelo Foppa", circolo culturale "G. Greppi", Arnaldo Gualandris

2006, World Bodypainting Festival Photo Award Catalogue, Alex Barendregt

2008, World Bodypainting Festival Photo Award Catalogue, Alex Barendregt

2009, rassegna d'Arte Internazionale (Art Review): i colori dell'anima (psicologia del colore), Dino Cecconi

2010, World Bodypainting Festival Photo Award Catalogue, Alex Barendregt

2013, Catalogue of Exhibition Biomechanic Skin, 27, Marco Licata

Contact Marco Licata

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