Maria Georgieva

4 Paintings by Maria Georgieva for sale

Paintings, Oil on canvas, 19.6x 27.5
Maria Georgieva
$700 USD
Paintings, Acrylic paint on paper, 27.5 x39.3
Maria Georgieva
$500 USD
Gut Feeling
Paintings, 15.7x31.4
Maria Georgieva
$500 USD
Paintings, 19.6x 27.5
Maria Georgieva
$500 USD

Maria Georgieva Biography


I am a self-taught abstract expressionist artist, exploring the subconscious. My work delves into the unseen aspects of life, capturing faces from fleeting encounters and dreams. Examining how shifting human anatomy embodies emotion. Using impasto technique, I leave visible brushstrokes and palette knife marks on the canvas, emphasizing texture and raw physicality.

My recent work is influenced by another artist - Sevda Semer exploring intimacy in various ways. She once told me she has Prosopagnosia (face blindness). The processing of realizing not recognizing someone face may be of controversial importance has lead me to question connection between emotions and face contours. Do we need surface to reach depths? Whether a tangible or visible medium (a "surface") is necessary to represent emotions or sensations that are hidden or not immediately apparent. Exploring how the language of feelings might come on the canvas as unsure vibrations or concrete contrast but no contour.


My paintings reveal the depth, shape, and colors of feelings beyond the superficial, inviting viewers to explore hidden layers of human experience.

Maria Georgieva

Maria Georgieva exhibitions, studies, awards...

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