Miquael Res

Miquael Res Biography

Netherlands, born 1968

I am Miquael Res, an artist who resides in the Netherlands. After a short career in music, I began to focus on painting "portraits from hell", influenced by artists like H.R.Giger, Zdzisław Beksinski and Chet Zar. My prime goal is to capture the hidden side of the soul in all it's hidden and sinister aspects, sometimes gruesome, and sometimes whimsical.
By now my work has been shown in galleries on the net, an exhibit in Greece, several exhibits in the Netherlands and on Dutch television. My works also appeared in Marvelous Art's third art book (Marvelous Artists Book nr 3).
I also contributed to the Dark Art Tarot Project, an international collaboration of dark artists who created an unique deck of tarot cards.
My works sold to several private collectors in the USA, England, Switzerland, the Netherlands, El Salvador, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Argentina.

Miquael Res

Miquael Res exhibitions, studies, awards...

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