Noodle Gustafsson

4 Sculpture by Noodle Gustafsson for sale

Death will not do us part
Sculpture, Wood, sand, lates, fabric, PLA, paper and hair from a sheep., 9 x 11 inch, 2023
Noodle Gustafsson
$2100 USD

3 artworks sold by Noodle Gustafsson

Noodle Gustafsson Biography

Sweden, born 1972

As a Swedish artist born in 1972, I have dedicated myself to exploring the possibilities of art, driven by a curiosity about the limits of tradition. My artistic journey has been without formal education, which perhaps has allowed me to develop a style without as much influence from traditional directions.

In my work with clay, plastic, metal, and tools like laser cutting and 3D printing, I strive to explore the boundary between fiction and reality. My goal is to evoke thoughts and emotions in the viewer, to invite them into a world where the boundaries between the real and the unreal are blurred.

Noodle Gustafsson

Noodle Gustafsson exhibitions, studies, awards...

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