Rachel Bonnici

12 Art Prints by Rachel Bonnici for sale

1 Drawings by Rachel Bonnici for sale

Horse and Sigil
Rachel Bonnici
$$560 USD   $460 USD

1 Paintings by Rachel Bonnici for sale

4 Sculpture by Rachel Bonnici for sale

The Urchin
Rachel Bonnici
$800 USD   $650 USD

Rachel Bonnici Biography


I studied Fine Arts at Monash Caulfield and began a diploma at the Victorian College of the Arts. Despite practicing for many years, I still consider myself as an artist. I am on a continuous journey of discovery with art and my appreciation for art. I have exhibited in many exhibitions, sold works, and won prizes.

I am a printmaker and painter who is always looking to expand my practices into uncomfortable territories. I feel that this is the best way to explore my artistic abilities. I have exhibited many of my works, including printmaking, painting, and drawings. I love working with the fluidity of line and colour and am continuously exploring different mediums and push them to the limits. I am an expressionist/surrealist artist and like to incorporate natural elements into my work. My paintings explore the geometry and colour of mountains and icebergs. Being able to paint in large scale provides me with a freedom that I can’t quite capture on a smaller scale.

I draw inspiration from nature. Nature is amazing and I am forever attempting to capture or emulate it somehow in my work. To me, all things are deconstructed to the organic. What I have noticed is that the outcomes of my work take on an organic feel. With shapes, lines and colours that I have come across when looking at rock formations or watching the waves of the ocean. The shapes within my works are intended to emerge naturally as I highlight certain ebbs and flows of forms to bring to life their imperfections. Imperfections to me are perfect.

I love to experiment with my work and am constantly excited when I discover new materials I can work with. Currently I have ventured into the world of encaustic painting. I am interested in the interface of these artforms with that of etching, monotype and relief, and feel that the limitless nature of encaustic painting will provide me with the artistic freedom that I love.

Like many artists, I go through stages with my work. I don’t believe a day goes by when I am not thinking about my new artistic venture. What you will notice with my work is that it is abstract and expressionistic, colourful, and vibrant.

Rachel Bonnici

Rachel Bonnici exhibitions, studies, awards...

• ART Red Hill 2023
• Clare Art Show 2022
• Bendigo Art Show 2022
• Sorrento Art Show 2022
• Knox Virtual Art Show 2021
• Moonee Valley Art Show 2021
• KernART Prize 2021
• Mornington Art Show 2021
• Carlingford Community Art Show 2020
• Walkerville Art Show 2020
• Moonee Valley VIRTUAL Art Show 2020
• Mornington Art Exhibition 2020
• Somers Arts Fair 2019
• The Bayside Art Show 2019
• Mount View Art Show 2019
• Knox Art Show 2019
• Moonee Valley Art Show 2019
• Monash Health Exhibition/Competition (first prize) (2014)
• Group Exhibition Pigment Gallery (2010)
• Group Exhibition Four Cats Gallery (2004)
• Group Exhibition Walker Street Gallery (2004)

Contact Rachel Bonnici

Contact form for Rachel Bonnici :

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Rachel Bonnici contact details :

Phone : +61407360943
Email : rachelbonnici78@hotmail.com

Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Rachel Bonnici, who will respond as soon as possible.

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