United States, born 07/05/1994
I'm a death and pain positive artist whose work delves into the realms of occultism, mythology, and the human animal, exploring themes of death, rebirth, ritual, sexuality, and the taboo. My work seeks to restructure how we engage with our deepest fears, finding beauty in suffering, and fostering growth by traversing the dark, liminal spaces of the psyche. With a focus on transforming the human body and the creation of personal mythology, my goal is for my work challenges conventional boundaries, aiming to explore counterculture through mythologies rooted in spiritual and occult practices. I am a dedicated unholy attendant to my muse.
I have a sassy medium haired torty cat named Xena (Warrior Princess Stinky baby), 26 siblings, and the heart of a roughly 36 year old man that I keep in an old cigar box by my bed.
Womxn in Extreme Performance Art of NM. Black Wall Gallery, Albuquerque NM. 2024
Special Edition Reversible Dust Jacket and full end page illustrations for "The Buffalo Hunter" by Stephen Graham Jones, published by Simon & Shuster, distributed by OwlCrate. 2024
Special Edition Film Poster for "24 Frames Lalla" Written and Directed by Joy Marzec. Santa Fe International Film Festival, 2024.
Rites of Passage Group show at FaraHNHeight Fine Art, Santa Fe NM. Curated and shown along with Sean Black Wolf & Rennell White Buffalo. Fall/Winter 2022
Creative Merchandise, Manager for Frida Kahlo Biographical Exhibit, Albuquerque NM. Fall 2022.
Sovereign Santa Fe Exhibition at the historic La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe NM, LA, Denver CO, Miami FL. Summer 2022.
Event ambassador/art guide for Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel Exhibition, presented by Fever and Thunderchild LLC, LA. Albuquerque NM. Summer 2022.
Dreamstate Women’s Group Show, REVOLT Gallery, Taos NM Spring 2022.
Annual Sovereign Santa Fe Exhibition at the historic La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe NM. Summer 2021.
Red Shoe Tribe Illustration Society annual exhibition, Denver CO. Awarded Second Place: Most Innovative in Illustration. 2020
Annual Sovereign Santa Fe Exhibition at the historic La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe NM. Summer 2020.
Annual Sovereign Santa Fe Exhibition at the historic La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe NM. Summer 2019.
Tularosa Basin Arts Council Annual Show, Tularosa NM. Summer 2019.
Key Art for “Indigiqueer Identities” performance, presented by Celebration Theatre, Los Angeles CA. 2022.
Key Art for “Birthday Brunch” Workshop, presented by Celebration Theatre, Los Angeles CA. 2022.
Logo and marketing images for Mountain Vs. Moon Vintage, La Luz NM. 2022.
Logo and Marketing Images for Brisco Slayne, the wizard. 2022.
Cover art for Bakshim by 2022.
“Desert Pirates” Poster Art for Captain Klas Band. Ruidoso NM. 2018.
“Blue Spirit” Poster Art for band Mondoshawan, El Paso TX. 2018.
Merchandise graphic art for annual music festival BentFest, Bent NM. 2018-2019.
Contact form for Raven Arbuckle :
Raven Arbuckle contact details :
Phone : 18285066707Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Raven Arbuckle, who will respond as soon as possible.
If you want to send a message to Dark Art Movement, please visit the Contact Us page.