Rodrigo Cifuentes

1 Drawings by Rodrigo Cifuentes for sale

Restless Dreams – Tribute to Silent Hill
Drawings, Graphite, watercolor & white pastel on paper, 11 x 8, 2014
Rodrigo Cifuentes
$900 USD

1 Paintings by Rodrigo Cifuentes for sale

Paintings, Oil on canvas, 31.5 x 31.5, 2015
Rodrigo Cifuentes
$3800 USD

Rodrigo Cifuentes Biography

Mexico, born 1980

The artist Rodrigo Cifuentes was born in Jalisco, Mexico, in 1980, descendants of refugees from the Spanish Civil War of 1930. He grew up in a violent environment that shaped his pictorial character, which develop later at the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Printmaking La Esmeralda (ENPEG) in Mexico City. Currently resides in Querétaro City, where he developed his work.

Cifuentes is a tenebrist contemporary painter by vocation, through his paintings he analyzes the dichotomy of the Latin American myth and the American dream in his society. The deafening presence of an expressionist scream speaks to that social discontent, approaching such subjects as the unreachability of the American dream, loss of innocence, and mass consumption.

Rodrigo Cifuentes

Rodrigo Cifuentes exhibitions, studies, awards...

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