Saturno Buttò

Saturno Buttò Biography

Italy, born 1957

Saturno Buttò, born in Portogruaro, Venice in 1957. His work is characterized by a personal, formal interpretation of European sacred art and technical skill, that reminds one of the great masters of our pictorial tradition.

Figurative rituals, tableaux vivants, neo-Gothic altar pieces are the skillful creations with which Butto extracts the fascinating mysteries of an “obscure, dark religion. This concept is brilliantly illustrated by the juxtaposition between the body’s innate sensuality and its deeper spirituality. Through illustrating the conflict between eroticism and pain, transgression and rapture, Buttò’s valuable paintings on wood examine in depth the strict and conflicting vision of Western religious iconography by comparisons with the body. The body is, on one side exhibited like an object of cult, while simultaneously being denied its value of nascent erotic beauty. It’s a fascinating tension that above all exalts the human figure, to the centre of the exhibition.

The human figure, which in Buttò’s poem, is constantly represented as sacred, is depicted in its physical and psychological decadence. It is sometimes illustrated by instruments and/or medical tools, that represent human pain on one hand while simultaneously highlighting the will to defeat death in a Utopian way. It also manages to vividly depicts the inescapable condition of physical decline, more accurately than ever.

This way, a beautiful girl’s parade consecrate from a golden halo, as the Byzantine icons, shine from a lively and sensual physicalness, but are hidden from a mysterious demoniac fascination, as if they were wedded in purity to destruction and decay.

Saturno Buttò

Saturno Buttò exhibitions, studies, awards...

Selected solo exhibitions:

  • 2013 "The Mad Hatters" a cura di Ixie Darkonn Flower Pepper Gallery - Pasadena. CA
  • 2013 "BeinArt Collective" a cura di Jon Beinart Copro Gallery - Santa Monica. CA
  • 2013 "The witch Hunt" a cura di associazione Pulsart - Palazzo Fogazzaro - Schio (VI)
  • 2013 "Arte in terapia" a cura di Alberto D'Attanaso e Nazareno Miele - Ex chiesa di Sant'Agata. Spoleto
  • 2013 "Snake shaped river-tutti i mostri dei sogni" Castello Visconteo - Trezzo sull'Adda - MI
  • 2013 "Those who dream by day" Strychnin Gallery - Berlin
  • 2013 "Il piacere dissoluto e non dissoluto" Art Kitchen - Superground - Milano
  • 2013 "XVIII Anniversary Show" Mondo Bizzarro Gallery - Roma
  • 2012 "Una stanza tutta per sé. Visioni da Shakespeare" Casa dei teatri-Villa Doria Pamphilj - ROMA
  • 2012 "Taboo" Last Rites Gallery - NEW YORK
  • 2012 "Apokalips" Grattacielo Pirelli Palazzo della Regione - MILANO
  • 2012 "Join ObssessionArt... 5th anniversary" THE GALLERY IN CORK STREET - LONDON
  • 2012 "Prisca sapientia" LOGGIATO SAN BARTOLOMEO - PALERMO
  • 2012 "Dreamscape mixed-up" TETEM ART SPACE - ENSHEDE - NETHERLANDS
  • 2012 "saturnicore" CORE ART GALLERY - NAPOLI
  • 2012 "Blood is my favorite colour" Mondo Bizzarro Gallery - ROMA
  • 2012 "La fin du monde" MUSEE DE L'EROTISME - PARIS
  • 2012 "Il divino e le vive carni" SPAZIARTI GALLERY - MILANO
  • 2012 "Nati sotto Saturno" PICCOLA GALLERIA - BASSANO - VI
  • 2011 "Contemporary icons" MISHIN GALLERY - SAN FRANCISCO
  • 2011 "L'arte e le sue due sorelle" LEONART GALLERY - CONEGLIANO - TV
  • 2010 "The Vault-Saturno Buttò" STRYCHNIN GALLERY - BERLINO
  • 2010 "Posture di decadenza" GALLERIA L'ESCALE - SPILIMBERGO - PN
  • 2009 "Hieratic-Surgical-Paintings" MONDO BIZZARRO GALLERY - ROMA
  • 2008 "Paintings" LIBRERIA BOCCA - MILANO
  • 2008 "Paintings" MONDO BIZZARRO GALLERY - ROMA

Selected group exhibition:

  • 2015 "THE MACABRE GALLERY SHOW I" Macabre Gallery - Dublin - IRELAND
  • 2012 "Taboo" Last Rite Gallery - NEW YORK
  • 2012 "Apokalips" Grattacielo Pirelli Palazzo della Regione - MILANO
  • 2012 "Join ObssessionArt... 5th anniversary" THE GALLERY IN CORK STREET - LONDON
  • 2012 "Prisca sapientia" LOGGIATO SAN BARTOLOMEO - PALERMO
  • 2012 "Dreamscape mixed-up" TETEM ART SPACE - ENSHEDE - NETHERLANDS
  • 2011 "Gli abiti del male" MAGMA MUSEUM - ROCCAMONFINA - CE
  • 2011 "Liason-Amsterdam" CABINOOD GALLERY - AMSTERDAM
  • 2011 "Iniziativa promossa da padiglione italia alla54º esposizione internazionale d'arte della biennale di Venezia per il 150º dell'unità d'Italia a cura di Vittorio Sgarbi" VILLA CONTARINI - PIAZZOLA SUL BRENTA - PD
  • 2010 "Mith, legends and fairytales" MISHIN GALLERY - SAN FRANCISCO
  • 2010 "Archiviarti" a cura di Fiordalice Sette, FABBRICA BORRONI - BOLLATE - MI
  • 2010 "Locus Animae" PALAZZO DEL TURISMO - JESOLO - VE
  • 2010 "Beinart collective group exhibition" COPRO GALLERY - SANTA MONICA
  • 2010 "Il mito del vero il ritratto e il volto" PALAZZO DURINI - MILANO
  • 2009 "Glassgarage's artist to LACMA" L. A. COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART - LOS ANGELES
  • 2009 "Contemplazioni. Bellezza e tradizione del Nuovo nella pittura italiana contemporanea" CASTEL SISMONDO E PALAZZO DEL PODESTA' - RIMINI
  • 2009 "Love Nest" WANNABEE GALLERY - MILANO
  • 2009 "porno stART" GALLERIA VOGHERA 11 - MILANO
  • 2008 "The 13th hour" LAST RITES GALLERY - NEW YORK
  • 2008 "Lucent Dossier Project" GLASSGARAGE GALLERY - LOS ANGELES
  • 2007 "Eredità del Simbolismo / Mitologie, endografie, esoterismi" CIVICA GALLERIA D'ARTE MODERNA ARNOLDO BONZAGNI - CENTO - FE
  • 2006 "La nemica del cuore ovvero le 12 veneri" a cura di Ferruccio Giromini e Roberto Roda GALLERIA D'ARTE MODERNA E CONTEMPORANEA PINACOTECA CIVICA GALILEO GATTABRIGA BONDENO - FE

Contact Saturno Buttò

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