Stewart Tormey

9 Paintings by Stewart Tormey for sale

Paintings, Acrylic paint , 21 x 30.5 x 1.5, 2024
Stewart Tormey
$1500 USD   $1200 USD
Stewart Tormey
$1200 USD   $950 USD
Stewart Tormey
$1800 USD   $1200 USD
War Cry
Stewart Tormey
$1995 USD   $1450 USD

Stewart Tormey Biography

Ireland, born 1979

Hi and thanks for visiting my page. I'm an Irish artist born in Dublin in 1979. I have felt the need to be artistic my whole life which until now consisted of music and imagery in the form of film/music videos/editing. Over the last few years I have felt the urge to express myself through painting and I have settled into it full time.

I love the freedom I have with painting and the ability to visualise an image, put it on a canvas and have someone see it for themselves. I prefer to paint what I can imagine rather than trying to capture a moment as it opens up that freedom for me.

Thanks again for visiting and I really hope you enjoy my work.

Stewart Tormey

Stewart Tormey exhibitions, studies, awards...

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