Țigan Bogdan

5 Paintings by Țigan Bogdan for sale

Masked warriors
Paintings, Oil on canvas, 31.4/23.6, 2024
Țigan Bogdan
$1500 USD
The monkey king
Țigan Bogdan
$1500 USD   $1200 USD

2 artworks sold by Țigan Bogdan

Țigan Bogdan Biography


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Țigan Bogdan

Țigan Bogdan exhibitions, studies, awards...




2010-2012| Arts and Design Faculty, MA Sculpture, TIMISOARA, RO;

2004-2008| Visual Arts Academy , BA Painting, ORADEA, RO;

2000-2004| ”Moise Nicoară” National College, ARAD, RO;



2006 - Small graphics biennial Inter-Art, Aiud, RO;

2007 - EXPO ART, UAP Gallery, Alba Iulia, RO;

2008 - “Diplomas Gala”, Oradea Art Museum, Oradea, RO;

2009 - Winter Salon, Metropole Art Association, Salouel, FR;

2009 - Winter Salon UAP, Delta Gallery, Arad, RO;

2011 - Winter Salon UAP, Delta Gallery, Arad, RO;

2013 - BIG-AR-01, Small graphics biennial, Delta Gallery, Arad, RO;

2013 - Les talents, Metropole Art Association,, Salouel, FR;

2014 - Art camp BATA; Arad Art Museum, ARAD, RO;

2015 - INTERSECȚII, UAPR ARAD, Delta Gallery, Arad, RO;

2015 - Collective expo, Metropole Art Association, Salouel, FR;

2016 - Winter Salon UAPR, Delta Gallery, Arad, RO;

2017 - GO ON, Delta Gallery, Arad, RO;

2017 - BANDO UNDER 35, CIRCUITI DINAMICI Association, Milano, IT;

2022 - GRUP 21 FORTA MAJORA, Galeria Alfa, Arad, RO;

2023 - Arad International Biennial Exhibition, Galeria Delta, Arad, RO;



2007 - “Paint, traces but me”, Water Tower Gallery, Arad, RO;

2008 - “Abstract dreams”, CLIO Gallery, Arad, RO;

2010 - “Spirits and colors”, JELEN HAZ Gallery, Arad, RO;

2012 - “A series of augmented fantasies”, Kulturzentrum Spittelberg, Vienna, AT;

2013 - “Leave the photos, take the girl” Bogdan Tigan painting + photography by Ruth Borgfjord, Alternative Space, Arad, RO;

2016 - “Separate stories 2.0” Subterranean Galley, Casa Artelor, Timișoara, RO;

2016 - “LOC D JOC”; Casa Hirschl, Arad, RO;

2016 - “AUGURI; VESTALE Și ALTE …” , curator Mircea Eugen, ”Dan Hatmanu” Iasi Municipality Art Galleries, Iași, RO;

2018 - “Nostalgia”, curator Christian Caimacan, European Court of Accounts, Luxembourg, LU;

2019 - “Despre ghiavolli noștrii și ale lor unelte”, curator Mircea Eugen, ”Dan Hatmanu” Iasi Municipality Art Galleries, Iași, RO;

2022 - “CIRCUS”, critic Gabriel Kelemen, Alfa Gallery, ARAD, RO;

2023 - “NUANȚE ROMÂNEȘTI”, Alexis Art Gallery, BUCUREȘTI, RO;



2007 - Student art camp Blaj, Blaj, RO;

2007 - Inter-Art International Art Camp, Aiud, RO;

2013 - Bata Art Camp, Bata, Arad, RO;

2014 - Bata Art Camp, Bata, Arad, RO;

2016 - Partizani Art Camp, UAPR Deva, Partizani, RO;









Contact Țigan Bogdan

Contact form for Țigan Bogdan :

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Țigan Bogdan contact details :

Email : bogdan.tzigan@gmail.com

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