Tom Wollenberg

3 Paintings by Tom Wollenberg for sale

“Die Harfe”
Paintings, oil, 35,43/27,56, 2022
Tom Wollenberg
$2900 USD
sans titre
Paintings, oil, 11,81/11,81, 2021
Tom Wollenberg
$800 USD
Paintings, acrylic, oil, gold, fluorescent color, 43,31/70,87, 2022
Tom Wollenberg
$5500 USD

Tom Wollenberg Biography

Germany, born 1989

"I aim to depict humanity and its environment in an increasingly fragmented world."

Tom Wollenberg´s passion is painting and the design of art objects. He was born in 1989
in Neubrandenburg, Germany. Even before his training as a media designer, he traveled
as a volunteer in india, where he found his passion for different cultures.
It was around this time, when he realized how important it is, to give up
inherited concepts to embrace new ideas.
This allowed him to broaden his prespective on art and life itself.
In 2012 he completed his education and continued his journey through Asia, which
sparked his interest through its rich and diverse cultures. Often far east asian influences
find their way into his art by many means.
Be it material, like the use of calligraphic “Fude” brushes, ink or via his distinct
techniques when guiding brush and spatial knife across the canvas.

Tom Wollenberg

Tom Wollenberg exhibitions, studies, awards...

Galerie Deichstraße Hamburg 2023
„Vorne Weiß Hinten Pink“
Citygalerie Neubrandenburg 2023
„Vorne Weiß Hinten Pink“
Hafengalerie Neustrelitz
„Fragmente der Erinnerung“ 2022
RWNart Neubrandenburg
„Mal was“ 2019

Kunst heute, Kunstfrühling, Kulturherbst
2020/2022 2018-2023 2019-2023

Livepainting Performance
Stadtfest Ribnitz Damgarten 2023
Tollensesee Atelier 2022
Dimensionfestival Pingtung 2021
Studio am See Festival 2021

Contact Tom Wollenberg

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Check availability and prices of the listed works of art, order a commission, request works for your next exhibition or send any other question you want to ask the artist. This contact form will send your message directly to the artist Tom Wollenberg, who will respond as soon as possible.

If you want to send a message to Dark Art Movement, please visit the Contact Us page.