Tomasz Ruppental

Tomasz Ruppental Biography

Poland, born 1986

Poland, born in 1986.

I started my first steps in art with charcoal and pastel drawings. Since 2022 I have been mainly involved in oil painting, in which I try to present reality in various forms. I also deal with landscape. I often include marine motifs in my works. I love Fantasy and Dark Art, but I don't limit my interests to just this one trend. I'm interested in surrealism and impressionists and the world around me, from which I have taken most of my inspiration.

Painting is my passion. I can't imagine that at the moment I could not transfer on canvas the images that are circulating somewhere in my head. I would like viewers to see something interesting in my works, break away from the gray reality and find themselves somewhere else, as if they were watching a great movie or listening their favorite music. Although the colors and themes of my work seems dark (because they usually do), I often add some light of hope. The characters in my paintings may seem evil, macabre, but this is not quite the case. After all, something that at first glance seems repulsive, bad or strange may turn out to be something completely different.

Tomasz Ruppental

Tomasz Ruppental exhibitions, studies, awards...

Exhibition and avards:

Group exhibition in Rysunek Studio, Rybnik 2021.

Group exhibition in Rysunek Studio, Rybnik 2022.

Group exhibition in Rysunek Studio, Gliwice 2023.

Group exhibition in Festiwal Sztuki Wysokiej Bytom 2024.

Group exhibition in Halo Rybnik 2024.

Online exhibition in BBA Galery Berlin 27.05 – 09.07 2024.

World Art Awards, 5th Place in category „Impressionism - Landscape” 2024.

American Art Awards 6th Place in category "Abstract Exspressionism" 2024.

American Art Awards 3th Place in category "Fantasy Landscape" 2024.

Contact Tomasz Ruppental

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