Vasilis Angelopoulos

1 Mixed media by Vasilis Angelopoulos for sale

The Androgynous restores the light to its original heavenly position.
Mixed media, Oil, Soil, Ash, Paraffin, dry pigment, gold 24k., 68x47, 2025
Vasilis Angelopoulos
$2000 USD

15 Paintings by Vasilis Angelopoulos for sale

Vasilis Angelopoulos Biography

Greece, born 1988

Encaustic and mixed media Artist
Manifesting religious non-iconic superior beings by worshipping archetypal materials.

Paraffin, conjoined with soil and ash, imprint on the canvas points from the innermost journey of the descent Katabasis. The metallic elements combined with the wooden ones -given to me in pieces- are placed with other materials in points and symbolic compounds meaning the beginning and the intermediate. Skin, hairs, bones, feathers, whitewash, concrete, soil, ash; elements or materials, symbols or concepts, are given in order to both decipher and encrypt those points and references. Ancient and primitive concepts are reprinted in the post-modern. The dead being, the insect, wine and honey resurface what was kept undisclosed.

Vasilis Angelopoulos

Vasilis Angelopoulos exhibitions, studies, awards...

Κατάβαση // Gallery Μελάνυθρος, Athens  - 2019
NEKYIA // University of Western Macedonia, Florina - 2015

Cheap Art // ΔΕΘ, Thessaloniki - 2021
Εκθεση Γλυπτικής του ΕΕΤΕ // Βυζαντινό Μουσείο, Athens - 2020
Από την Aυτοπροσωπογραφία στη Selfie // Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη Λαμίας "Αλέκος Κοντόπουλος", Lamia - 2018
Κόλαση - εντός και εκτός // Melina Merkouri Institute - 2017
Periapsis // CASK, Larisa - 2016
Art Brut // Melina Merkouri Institute - 2016
Contemporary Art Showcase Athens // Simeio Theater, Athens - 2015
Open September 4 // Vault theater, Athens - 2015
Periapsis // Lola Nikolaou Gallery, Thessaloniki - 2015
Πρώτες Δομές // Abode, Athens - 2015
Periapsis // Bios – Romantso, Athens - 2015
Periapsis // Department of Architecture, Volos - 2015
A/ for Art // Thessaloniki Docks - 2014
Unmasked // Horostasio, Athens - 2013
Unhuman tape release // Junk Record Shop, Athens - 2012
Species Industrialism // Booze Cooperativa, Athens - 2012
Cultura Urbana // Horostasio, Athens - 2009
A3 Exhibition // Fine Art University, Athens - 2009

Urban Rites #1 // Chalandri, Athens - 2018
Urban Rites #2 // Aristotelous, Thessaloniki - 2018
Urban Rites #3 // Ano Poli, Thessaloniki - 2018
Urban Rites #4 // Kalamaria, Thessaloniki - 2018

Conjecture, Death Drive // Sticky Fingers, Patras GR - 2024
Conjecture, Lith, Pavor Nocturnus, ION // Romantso, Athens GR - 2024
Conjecture // Argomm Teatro, Milano IT - 2024
Conjecture // Club.debil, Dresden DE - 2023
Conjecture, Pavor Nocturnus // Kastan, Prague CZ - 2023
Conjecture, Evitceles, XIN // Koncept Space, Sofia BG - 2023
Siva Six - Conjecture - Technolorgy // Skyland, Larisa - 2022
Siva Six - Conjecture - Technolorgy // The Host, Thessaloniki - 2022
Liebchen - Conjecture - Odile Nyx // Romantso, Athens - 2021
SYD sessions - Athens Digital Arts Festival // SYD records - 2021
Brutal Forms // Online - 2021
Hradby Samoty Festival // Moravany, Slovakia - 2020 CANCELED
Conjecture, LΔΤΞ, Kosnost' // Πρώτος Όροφος, Thessaloniki - 2019
Martin Bland and Karolina Urbaniak & Conjecture // Dark Sun, Athens - 2019
Conjecture & Millions of dead tourists //, Athens - 2018
Amek X // Mixtape 5, Sofia - 2018
Талос, Conjecture, Inconu // Factory, Florina - 2018
Aevin, Талос, Conjecture // Πρώτος Όροφος, Thessaloniki - 2018
Stendeck, Poordream, Mytrip, Cryintro, Conjecture // Modu, Athens - 2017
Elektroanschlag // Altenburger Brauerei, Altenburg - 2017
Hologram_  & Conjecture // Dark Sun, Athens - 2016
Conjecture, Талос, Aevin // Death Disco, Athens - 2016
Dirk Geiger, Memphidos, Tape86, Conjecture, Талос , Aevin // The Place, Athens - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip // Czech Center, Sofia - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip // Studio 11, Subotica - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // Trafik Klub, Budapest - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // AU, Vienna - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // (A)void floating gallery, Prague - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // Institut fur Neue Medien, Frankfurt - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // Nordstadtpalast, Kassel - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // Ma Thilda, Berlin - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // Alte Feuerwache, Dresden - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // LAS, Poznan - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // Moskva Kavezo, Oradea - 2015
Conjecture & Mytrip  // Kino Kosmos, Plovdiv - 2015

Contact Vasilis Angelopoulos

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