P202315 (Praying hands) by Bryan S. Halls

Art Prints by Bryan S. Halls For Sale

  • Title: P202315 (Praying hands)

  • Artist: Bryan S. Halls

  • Category: Art Prints

  • Medium: Ink on paper linocut print

  • Size (inches): 5x7

  • Year: 2023

  • Total no. of copies: 10

  • Edition: Limited Edition

  • Framed?: Unframed

  • Shipping from: Canada

Price: $17.49

Artwork description

Praying Hands

When I began this series of work it was with another train of thought that it would be grouped together with my “In prayer” series. “In Prayer” ended up being a series of large paintings of peoples faces in prayer. This “Praying hands” series soon would become something different and onto its own and the one would become two.
“Praying hands” is a series of different ways Christian of all denominations pray. Some pray with their hands in the air some with a rosery or prayer rope. All different but all the same since the message passed while using your hands are going to the same place. That is to God. Some paintings are big and some are small, they have no consistency there. This grouping of paintings was never meant to be shown together but on there own at Artspace Chatham where I show my work.
These stylized hands that these images create give off an eerie feel not that of a joyful thank you to God but maybe a hart felt cry from the sanctuary. Yet like I create at this point in time the name is not so important the image is and though a date code is the title the viewer is to come up with what they can take from it. I may be much to ask from the viewer but take what they must, or must not.


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