Teyolia, lo que da vida a la gente by Jorge Humberto Tapia Perez (Original Painting)
Paintings by Jorge Humberto Tapia Perez For Sale
Title: Teyolia, lo que da vida a la gente
Artist: Jorge Humberto Tapia Perez
Category: Paintings
Medium: Oil, silk ribbon on canvas 40 x 50 cm, 2024
Size (inches): 15,7x19,7
Year: 2024
Framed?: Unframed
Shipping from: Germany
Price: $850
Artwork description
The heart had a special role for the Mexica, the core of life revolved around it (soul). Yóllotl means heart in Nahuatl and shares the root with the word yoli, to live. In Nahuatl the heart is associated with several actions, for example yolliztli is the action of life itself, whereas yolnonotza would be “to meditate” (to call upon the heart) and yoloquixtia “to take out of the heart”, “to seek meaning”.
Deeper concepts include yolotica (with heart, courage), yoliuhyaliztli (way of the heart, freedom), yollocáyotl (fullness of the heart, intelligence), yolomatiliztli (knowledge of the heart, prudence), teyolía (what gives life to people) or moyolpaqui (my heart rejoices). In more complex sentences we also find the great importance of the heart, e.g. Qnicemitqni yn yollotli (the heart controls everything) or miztemoa noyollo (my heart is looking for you, I miss you).
The elements depicted in the image are a sun for Ollin Tonatiuh as a background, inside is a heart (yollotl) with a crown (Qnicemitqni yn yollotli). A mouth and an eye express seeing and speaking with the heart. Around the eye we see the sign for movement (Ollin), from which Teyolia comes. The white signs above the yollotl stand for speaking (virgule).
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