Metamorphosis by Karina Kulyk

Paintings by Karina Kulyk For Sale

  • Title: Metamorphosis

  • Artist: Karina Kulyk

  • Category: Paintings

  • Size (inches): 27,5x40

  • Year: 2025

  • Framed?: Unframed

  • Shipping from: Germany

Reduced Price: $1100 USD    $850 USD

Artwork description

Through the soot of the prison -world where the vanity of passions is like a fire in every house and in every temple the pure moonlight shines from the heavens, bringing freshness and hope for salvation. The winged ones do not sleep and carry within themselves their temple of the soul. The sign of the wolf is contempt for the herd instinct. The burning black halo – formed ideas about eternity and the divine burn out again and again in confirmation of their imperfection before the greatness of the genuine, which behind the curtains of smoke is eternally perfect. The plot resembles the Annunciation, a smiling figure hovers in front of a suffering figure that has not yet flown. The smile of the night angel seems to suggest not to take the horrors of the world to heart and to learn to joyfully fly in the fire of the world and freely rise above the blackness to the pure light.


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