Spiritual Dreaming by Karina Kulyk (Original Painting)
Paintings by Karina Kulyk For Sale
Title: Spiritual Dreaming
Artist: Karina Kulyk
Category: Paintings
Size (inches): 16x24
Year: 2017
Framed?: Unframed
Shipping from: Germany
Reduced Price: $800 USD $600 USD
Artwork description
The witch peers into the mysterious world of the night. The earthly vision falls asleep, the third eye has opened a window for the dark soul. The man of knowledge understands that death is always near and uses it as an ally, sees it as a force of the other world. The pipe in the hands produces a fog for wandering between worlds. External attributes such as a laurel wreath, owls and jewelry -orders and badges of honor taken on the way to the unknown. The white cat symbolizes the appearance for everyday life, the hat by which they judge, harmless, but sleeping and ready to wake up.
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