The Moon and the Flashlight by Karina Kulyk (Original Painting)
Paintings by Karina Kulyk For Sale
Title: The Moon and the Flashlight
Artist: Karina Kulyk
Category: Paintings
Size (inches): 12x35
Year: 2025
Framed?: Unframed
Shipping from: Germany
Reduced Price: $450 USD $350 USD
Artwork description
The night river reflects the moon among the clouds and the light of a lantern on the other bank. The black waters are transformed, reflecting the light, and shimmer whimsically. The branches of a dry tree, the coastal thickets and the blackness of a distant park create an atmosphere of mystery and meloncholy. Two sources of light – man-made and man-made, earthly and heavenly, simultaneously exist, either in rivalry or in alliance.
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