Summer by Susanne Broända

Paintings by Susanne Broända For Sale

  • Title: Summer

  • Artist: Susanne Broända

  • Category: Paintings

  • Medium: Acrylic and ink on printmaking paper (Hahnemühle)

  • Size (inches): About 31 x 42 x 0,08

  • Year: 2023

  • Framed?: Unframed

  • Shipping from: Finland

Price: $1470

Artwork description

Summer is a season of light, growth, colors, happiness, and beauty. We often dream of summer days during the dark winter, and we look forward to the warm breeze of the summer morning. Summer can be a period of more activity and there can also be stress associated with these months of ease. For some the thought of the inevitable ending of the collective vacation months can lie around as a heavy reminder of the darker time of the year. So summer is a period of many emotions, thoughts, and expectations.

With this painting I wanted to approach this whirlwind of light, colors, joy, and activity. The swallows are enjoying the warm breeze and are busy gathering their food. They fly together as a group but at the same time they are strongly connected to their individual power and purpose. They know that every day counts and that they will need to move to warmer latitudes in a few months’ time. They are perfectly in touch with the present moment, and they are making the most of it.


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