Jana Krieger

5 Art Prints by Jana Krieger for sale

Art Prints
Jana Krieger
$20 USD
Funky Bones
Art Prints, Fine art print on Hahnemühle William Turner , 9,8 x 9,8, 2022, 50
Jana Krieger
$65 USD
The Exploration of the Inner Self
Art Prints, Fineart print on Hahnemühle William Turner , 9,8 x 9,8, 2022, 50
Jana Krieger
$60 USD

1 Digital Art by Jana Krieger for sale

1 artworks sold by Jana Krieger

Jana Krieger Biography

Germany, born 2001

My art style is a blend of body horror and pop culture, featuring vibrant colors and intricate details that create a unique aesthetic that's simultaneously dark and vibrant.

I explore themes of horror and the grotesque in my work, but also infuse it with elements of humor and playfulness. I hope this mix encourages viewers to embrace the unconventional and question their assumptions about what's beautiful or desirable. Ultimately, my art aims to inspire people to challenge the norm and look beyond superficial appearances.

Stay ugly, act weird!


Jana Krieger

Jana Krieger exhibitions, studies, awards...

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Contact Jana Krieger

Contact form for Jana Krieger :

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Jana Krieger contact details :

Email : whoshitmypanties@gmail.com

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