Jezebel Pride

3 Sculpture by Jezebel Pride for sale

$136.66 View Artwork
Faces if the Watchers
Sculpture, ADC, 6x3 inches, 2024, 1
Jezebel Pride
$136.66 USD   $136.66 USD
The Eye Altering, Alters All
Jezebel Pride
$93.00 USD   $93.00 USD

1 artworks sold by Jezebel Pride

Jezebel Pride Biography

United States, born 07201968

Jezebel Pride, is a moniker that came about after a Westboro Baptist preacher at a Pride Festival called me a Jezebel.  As he preached a hateful blood and brimstone sermon through a microphone, I walked around him telling him all the things I knew he wanted to do to me. When he broke, he yelled “You are Jezebel!” and walked away.
The name seemed fitting.

I am Koren Walsh.

I am a sculptor, a painter, a bead worker, a healer, and a witchresiding in Minneapolis.

I work in clay and stone, knots and bones to create one-of-a-kind wearable sculpture, mourning vessels, crone shawls and other adornments for the body and the altar.

Jezebel Pride

Jezebel Pride exhibitions, studies, awards...

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Phone : 7636077029
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