"COMPELLO NOS SUPER INFINITIO (Tell Us About Eternity)" by Rob Moler

Paintings by Rob Moler For Sale

  • Title: "COMPELLO NOS SUPER INFINITIO (Tell Us About Eternity)"

  • Artist: Rob Moler

  • Category: Paintings

  • Medium: Oil on panel

  • Size (inches): 24" x 36" x 2"

  • Year: 2017

  • Framed?: Unframed

  • Shipping from: United States

Reduced Price: $1500 USD    $1400 USD

Artwork description

I am drawn to surrealism as it depicts a world where time is meaningless and gravity does not rule. In my “LATIN SERIES”, objects are possessed by the spirits of positive and negative emotions or are carried by my little hummingbird messengers to add further depth to the story. Hopefully my work will connect emotionally with viewers, encouraging them to unmask these objects to discover their spiritual core and find personal meaning within.

I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian environment and actually worked in many church roles throughout the years. I became an atheist later in life but I’m still fascinated with religious concepts such as the “eternity” of Heaven and Hell. The church has used the ridiculous doctrine for centuries to induce either comfort or fear in the believer. In this composition, I visually explore the reality of death versus the “magical thinking” associated with the “afterlife”. My little hummingbirds taunt the skull beneath the iris symbol. Will the Christian “saint” reveal its secrets through its boney remains or continue to remain silent?


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